Forum Replies Created

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  • Graillotion

    October 23, 2023 at 3:43 am in reply to: Beard balm and oil

    Aloe vera oil…. that is a new one to me.

    If you are interested….watch this video from a PhD chemist….and it might help you simplify your formula.


    Skincare Oils and Free Fatty Acids: The Science | Lab Muffin Beauty Science - YouTube

  • Graillotion

    October 22, 2023 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Pentylene Glycol as a solubolizer?

    TEC is a good choice for EO’s.

  • Graillotion

    October 21, 2023 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Beard balm and oil

    You might take a look at your formula….and check for solubility issues.

    The folks you’ll meet here barely know what an ounce is. They work in percentages and grams. ????

    There is a group on FB….that speaks that language and will certainly have some comments. You have to join….but check them out.:

    Skincare Natural Ingredient Formulation.

    Good luck.

  • Graillotion

    October 19, 2023 at 8:02 pm in reply to: Gelled Oil

    Your choice will be partially based on if the end product needs to be clear…or opaque.

    If opaque is ok….here is an easy one to grab (at least in the USA).


    Butter Pearls ™ (

  • Vague answer alert…….


    Which is more similar to the pH of your skin?


  • Graillotion

    September 27, 2023 at 1:23 pm in reply to: In your opinion and experience with Emulsifiers…

    Always hard to beat the global ‘go to’ emulsifier, the ‘165’ type. INCI: Glyceryl Stearate (and) PEG 100 Stearate. To give additional boosting beyond the fatty alcohol… consider a water gelling agent, like a gum or polymeric. You can also add an anionic co-emulsifier at a rate of 1 part to 10, things like GSC, SSG, or PCP.

    Good luck.

  • Graillotion

    September 27, 2023 at 4:40 am in reply to: White cast from cream

    As any formulator would do….do a knock-out test. Remove ONE ingredient at a time…and check results. Start with the most likely suspect…. In your case…fumed silica. 🙂

  • Graillotion

    September 26, 2023 at 5:53 am in reply to: HELP ????
  • Graillotion

    September 26, 2023 at 4:00 am in reply to: White cast from cream

    Please list all ingredients.

    Is the white cast…just during initial application (soaping)? Can it be rubbed away with effort? (Stearic acid is known for soaping.)

    Otherwise, it might be an additional ingredient…but we don’t know what they are.

  • Graillotion

    September 25, 2023 at 6:28 pm in reply to: Are clinical third part tests serious?


    You get what you pay for. Guess who paid for the third-party test? ????

    You can actually do this honestly and with integrity. You just have to know how to design the test….and what to include and exclude as benchmarks.

    In a former life…I did this with 100% success and integrity. ‘Spin’ is a wonderful thing.

  • Graillotion

    September 15, 2023 at 12:20 am in reply to: Can Hyaluronic Acid be certified organic?

    When I look at the supplier listings….I do NOT see any of them….promoting ‘organic’. 🙂

  • Graillotion

    September 11, 2023 at 4:55 am in reply to: Raspberry ketone as a multifunctional preservative

    Since deo…is essentially a preservative soup anyway…. we had no idea the impact on preservation….since we were making something that was already….preservation on steroids. ????

  • Graillotion

    September 11, 2023 at 4:52 am in reply to: Raspberry ketone as a multifunctional preservative

    I don’t think it is very new. I checked my notes…and I spent March of 2022…trying to fit it in a deo formula (as an active)…and it certainly wasn’t a new concept…even then.

    So been on the market a few years…and has NOT set the market on fire.

    Neither of my consulting chemists….one of whom is Pharma…the Swiss genius…viewed it anything more than a ‘booster’, vs a full blown preservative that Ashland is touting it as.

    So we viewed it more as a booster with skin benefits.

    It did not make the final cut….for those following along at home.


  • Graillotion

    October 23, 2023 at 1:16 pm in reply to: Beard balm and oil

    Can you provide a link…to where you purchase this from?

  • Graillotion

    October 15, 2023 at 8:57 pm in reply to: Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate HCl (aka… LAE) …. preservative.

    ???? You think you know who I am eh? ????

    I asked Valerie G about it….and she was also a little skeptical….. considering it more of a food grade preservative. And yes….keep the anionics…to an absolute bare minimum! However…that being said she did send me this file…see attached.

    I cannot look at a sample product….and tell you if it is preserved or not. PET is the best method for this. Also, good to have in your files…..should legal issues arise… is the first thing they’ll ask for.

    So, what I am interested in… if you do PET…I would love to see the results!

    You know how to get ahold of me. ????


  • Graillotion

    October 7, 2023 at 11:38 pm in reply to: Organic hair gel with gummy residue on hands

    ???? I was so wanting to state the obvious….but anything ‘hair’ is so outside my area. ????

  • Graillotion

    October 6, 2023 at 4:48 am in reply to: Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate HCl (aka… LAE) …. preservative.

    Yes….in the marketing, they do mention cationic.

    What does that mean in the scope of preservation?

  • Graillotion

    October 3, 2023 at 2:47 pm in reply to: MIC and pH……

    Sorry…..some glitch cut me off……..

    …… Continued…….. For the PET test/s that you consider superior (more rigorous) than USP 51…. do they contain additional pathogens beyond the typical 5? A whole different slate….or a slate of the 5 plus some bonus contenders? I guess what I am asking…..what makes it more rigorous?

  • Graillotion

    October 3, 2023 at 2:43 pm in reply to: MIC and pH……

    So, in the land of poor preservatives that saturate the market….is it safe to say….the only marketing leg they stand on….is the MIC numbers…which in a nutshell….have very little applicable value?



    BTW…. for the PET test/s you consider superior to

  • Graillotion

    October 2, 2023 at 2:03 pm in reply to: MIC and pH……

    If MIC numbers have so little value…. What readily available information can one use, to make a proper evaluation?

    Again….I am not using these products….just trying to help those that have drunk the Kool-Aide.

  • Graillotion

    October 2, 2023 at 2:01 pm in reply to: MIC and pH……

    @PhilGeis … so you are telling me….MIC numbers for organic acid based preservatives…are provided in an almost neutral environment….where they are essentially inactive?

  • Graillotion

    September 27, 2023 at 1:25 pm in reply to: White cast from cream

    no….it is just in suspension.

  • Graillotion

    September 27, 2023 at 12:59 am in reply to: HELP ????

    Dr Phil….has even written a book on the topic…. if you have interest. 🙂


    Cosmetic Microbiology: A Practical Approach: 9781138733572: Medicine & Health Science Books @

  • Been using the B12 for color for a long time. Simply increase or decrease for intensity. Have not seen any color degradation (with room temp). Very pleased with the results.

  • Graillotion

    September 4, 2023 at 2:58 pm in reply to: Is this “mommy blogger lore” ?

    Ignorance is an all encompassing lifestyle choice. It rarely changes.

    Good luck in your journeys.

    FYI…. When it comes to mommy blogger lore…. I have come to the conclusion….90+% is some form of bad….either partially incorrect, incorrect, or grossly incorrect. Not good odds….in fact just doing the opposite of what the lore slingers say….you will garner reasonably good odds of success. ????

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Chemists Corner