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I think that the Dove bar is the mildest, soap is more cleansing and drying from my experience.
MemberNovember 26, 2022 at 12:40 am in reply to: My cat smell bad in winter. Does he need washing?If you have a non castrated male, they can smell bad when go out in the rain, but it eventually goes away when dry because they self groom. If you wash your cat regularly they will become distant. It should be a last resort, if healthy they should not need a bath.
@justaerin When cats have hair problems they need to be brushed. I agree some obese cats and some with medical conditions may need help with wiping they backsides, but those are exceptions. Bathing a cat can cause anxiety in the animal and be damaging to his or her emotional health. As a Canadian cat lady I know from experience. Just washing the backside of my cat when she had poop all over was traumatic, she was angry with me for 2 days after that isolated incident.
As far as I am concerned cats should not take baths, it is traumatic for them. They self clean as nature intended. On a few occasions when they have mishaps, I usually use a small amount of dog shampoo and minimize the cleaning only to the problem area. Other-times, I just do a dry cleaning with a slightly moist paper towel when it is just dirt. You should look up dog shampoo formulations on this website for guidance.
I also read somewhere that the skin mantle of dogs is PH neutral and shampoo should be neutral too. I am concerned about using cationic surfactants ( conditioner agents) since they attach to the fur, pets are self grooming. Cationic surfactants are toxic to aquatic life, therefore they should not be eaten. I have not found a study on this subject.
MemberSeptember 23, 2022 at 8:02 pm in reply to: Role of %40% Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil in this syndet barSearch Dove, on this website you will see that it contains 15% soap it was confirmed by a chemist that worked at Unilever.
Soap is a fatty acid salt, sodium cocoate, sodium palmpate… NAOH will not be included in the ingredient list. It would not be the first time a company is not listing ingredients correctly. -
MemberSeptember 23, 2022 at 4:24 am in reply to: Role of %40% Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil in this syndet barIt does not make sense, maybe it is soap ( hydrogenated fat with NAOH), usually a syndet bar contains around 15% soap like a Dove bar.
MemberSeptember 9, 2022 at 9:26 pm in reply to: What has been your most challenging formulation problem?@Pharma, it turns out that according to a dermatologist minoxidil performs better orally in low dose than as a topical solution. There was an article in the NY Times on this subject recently, the number of subjects and one picture was very convincing. The article is named An Old Medicine Grows New Hair for Pennies a Day, Doctors Say. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/health/minoxidil-hair-loss-pills.html?action=click&algo=bandit-all-surfaces-variants-time-cutoff-30&alpha=0.05&block=lone_trending_recirc&fellback=false&imp_id=985755343&impression_id=aedad4c1-1fd7-11ed-8922-95d61716deae&index=1&pgtype=Article&pool=pool%2F91fcf81c-4fb0-49ff-bd57-a24647c85ea1®ion=footer&req_id=641692719&surface=eos-most-popular-story&variant=0_bandit-eng30s
If they are soft it means you have too much oil, reduce oil content and increase sci to 100%.
Your formula looks fine to me. Regarding cleansing, suds and moisturized feeling; those are variables; older people and some young people have dry scalp and need gentle cleansing, others have oily scalp, some clean their hair ounce a week or less, others have build up from too much hair products and need stronger cleansing. It is unlikely that one shampoo formulation will fit all. You need to figure out what your target audience needs and adjust accordingly.
MemberAugust 27, 2022 at 7:36 pm in reply to: What’s Your Optimal PH for a shampoo with a smooth feeling@Abdullah, the lower ph reduce tangles before you rinse.
MemberAugust 27, 2022 at 1:35 am in reply to: What’s Your Optimal PH for a shampoo with a smooth feelingYou should test it on yourself….
MemberAugust 27, 2022 at 1:34 am in reply to: What’s Your Optimal PH for a shampoo with a smooth feelingI personally like a PH of 5 or less because hair cuticules are smoother at that pH preventing tangles.
Making Cosmetics, Make your own buzz for small to medium amounts, they are resellers. 500 lbs is a larger quantity, you may be able order from a chemical distributors like Parchem and get a lower price.
West or East Coast?
What country are you from?
MemberAugust 24, 2022 at 5:07 am in reply to: Any recommendations for an at-home label printer?@suswang8: It is 4 years old, they are bit more expensive now. You can get a Canon Pixma for $70.00 on Amazon in the US. Ink Jet printers have very good resolution, the downsides are low speed, and expensive ink. If you are starting a new business, low speed might not be a problem.
MemberAugust 22, 2022 at 11:43 pm in reply to: Any recommendations for an at-home label printer?My printer is an MX922 from Canon as far as I am concerned this nothing special, most inkjet printers will meet these specifications. According to the manufacturer, it has extraordinary Resolution: 9600 x 2400 maximum color dpi4 produces incredible quality and detail in both your business documents and photos.
The key is to find a sheet label provider, there are many in the USA online labels is just one of many.
https//www.onlinelabels.com/Inkjet ink is expensive therefore you want to find an economical ink supplier CarrotInk in southern California is a great supplier.
MemberAugust 20, 2022 at 8:46 pm in reply to: Any recommendations for an at-home label printer?I use a regular Canon printer ink jet $50.00, I buy inexpensive ink from Carrot Ink 1/3 of the price.
I order labels from online labels in sheets, they have a free software to make the labels. They also have water resistant labels. I am very happy with the results. -
MemberAugust 11, 2022 at 1:17 am in reply to: Seriously off topic question about pharma and insulin@Stanley, I contacted my friend who works at Stanford hospital in the GI department, she sent an insulin saving guide which recommends biosimilars, she also mentioned goodrx and mark cuban pharmacy. Do you want me to forward you the guide?
MemberAugust 11, 2022 at 12:39 am in reply to: Seriously off topic question about pharma and insulin@Stanley, I did not know about that fact.
I understand your concerns, there is always risks associated with trying a new drug especially insulin. It would be best if there was a price cap (which unfortunately did not pass in the senate). I would look if the of state California has rebates programs to help you. Gavin Newsom is upset with insulin pricing and is making it a priority. He also wants to manufacture it in the state. https//www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/california-insulin/
@Vitalis, agreed, he should visit a dermatologist.
Keep in mind that many people with eczema have a mutation in a gene that helps the skin maintain a healthy barrier with the external environment. Since their skin barrier is more porous, their immune system overreacts to certain substances, leading to eczema symptoms. Different sorts of situations can trigger disease flares. Medication is usually given to tame the overactive immune response in the form of cream (corticosteroids) for small lesions or IL-13 inhibitors for serious outbreaks. A cream or lotion may be used to help the skin from drying, but is unlikely to cure eczema.
MemberAugust 9, 2022 at 7:23 pm in reply to: Seriously off topic question about pharma and insulinInsulin is a very old drug May 17, 1921, Frederick Banting and Charles Best, under the direction of J. J. R. Macleod, isolated what would later be known as insulin in a lab at the University of Toronto. Why is insulin so expensive in the US, because they price their medications according to what the market will bear, not what it cost to produce.
FDA has a regulatory process for bio-similar. drugs, https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-interchangeable-biosimilar-insulin-product-treatment-diabetes#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20U.S.%20Food%20and,with%20Type%202%20diabetes%20mellitus.
It is probably legit since large pharma/biotech like Genentech, Eli Lili, and others have been lobbying heavily against having any competition cut into their profits.
I worked for the pharmaceutical industry as a sales representative, and later sold equipment to the life science industry. -
I use some cetyl alcohol in my lip balm for slip, but I do not believe that it can replace wax as the main thickening ingredient.