Forum Replies Created

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  • smok

    February 8, 2023 at 9:37 am in reply to: Comments on New forum design / software

    be careful not to lose anything from this forum it will be for the generations to come!!

  • smok

    May 20, 2022 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Phenethyl Alcohol


  • really  my basic question i cant find answer is hydroquinone
    is it safe?
  • smok

    September 15, 2021 at 5:58 pm in reply to: What does a new brand need to succeed?

    It depends on the category of people you target, there are girls, the elderly, female doctors and others
    For example, if you target young girls, you need humor
    If you target the elderly and the elderly, these people do not like to joke much and like long stories. As for young people, you should try to convince them with just a few words.

  • smok

    March 22, 2021 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Anhydrous Sugar Scrub (question regarding heat stability)
    why using Emulsifying wax (cetearyl alcohol/ceteareth-20)?
  • smok

    December 23, 2020 at 8:04 pm in reply to: shampoo strips all the natural oil

    in third world countries you must never trust the raw materials I advise you to change the supplier

  • smok

    December 17, 2020 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Adding salicylic acid to lotion

    You joined only for 15 months but already have 71 questions. All of which are already answered previously. I assume you never bother using the search function.
    You even repeat the same question. Some are questioned differently but still the same content. Example how to dissolve 70% SLES.
    You even ask odd questions. I mean, you said you already did/doing something and you still ask people to know the result. You should know the result if you did it or are doing it. Example you mentioned I use Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine %1″ and in the same breath you asked “How does it effect foam?”. I was like WHAT THE FAAAK THIS PERSON DID IT OR NOT! It is like saying I already jumped from the 10th floor and died, and then I asked you whether will I die or not. If I am still alive to ask you that it can only mean I never jump. Not even Schrodinger cat.
    Another strange one is you said “If we add in high quantity cost will increase a lot” and then “If we add in small quantity how would foam compare to above surfactants?”. Another WTF moment for me. That means you never even do it to see it/compare foam. All you love doing is ask and ask. You fundamentally never try before you ask. Very cunning of you!
    I joined only for 20 months but I posted only 3 questions. I am not as intelligent as you are. What I do is I use the search function, use YouTube, use the Internet a whole, and above all I do lots of tests and observations.

    are you from FBI?
    you know all thing about him
  • smok

    December 5, 2020 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Face Cream Formulation

    @mariaagarcia Oh aloe has antiviral properties? I guess the best scientists of the world just wasted a year of time and millions of lives. Covid victims should just chew a piece of aloe?

    very strange and unbelievable !!

  • smok

    September 28, 2020 at 8:19 pm in reply to: Mandelic acid peel

    Didn’t you notice that? MEDICAL USE ONLY

  • smok

    September 25, 2020 at 9:58 am in reply to: Transparent soap with 40% TFM possible?

    i think if you use ethanol is better

  • smok

    September 24, 2020 at 6:13 pm in reply to: Transparent soap with 40% TFM possible?

    what is the role of soulents?

  • smok

    September 18, 2020 at 10:33 pm in reply to: essential oils emulsifier
    E oils are not an cosmetics ingridients it has not inci name
    used only as parfum
    use solibiliser like peg 40
  • smok

    September 18, 2020 at 10:18 pm in reply to: Wanting to create a facial mask the consistency of thick honey (need help)
    if we want to ask a scientific question
    it will be, is  sugars and water kills bacteria
    in a petri dish we have thousands of ways to kill bacteria, but it works on the human body

  • smok

    September 4, 2020 at 9:34 pm in reply to: Skin absorption of soap with additives
    Perry  You are too objective.!
    I liked your saying very much
    If you use a soap and it leaves a film, that means it’s not working
  • smok

    September 1, 2020 at 8:25 pm in reply to: Wanting to create a facial mask the consistency of thick honey (need help)

    honey is only  water and sugars ,what can it doing to your face?

  • smok

    August 7, 2020 at 8:32 pm in reply to: Academic Research in Cosmetics- Potential Project

    i have a baad english
    I think that to be more scientific
    we should I talk about
    Efficacy of cosmetic preservatives in an acidic medium or a basic medium

    or a sugar solution in an acidic medium
    all bee honey is sour
  • smok

    August 7, 2020 at 7:53 pm in reply to: Increasing urea percentage from 40 to 48%

    IN a vaporizer can have an effect?

  • smok

    August 7, 2020 at 7:35 pm in reply to: Increasing urea percentage from 40 to 48%

    why we don’t just use only  these 2 ingredients water and urea plus a preservative such as a skin moisturizere ?
    does it have no effect without other additives ?

  • smok

    June 2, 2020 at 5:12 pm in reply to: Are patents a hindrance or a booster of innovation?

    ا find that this subject is very important which dates from 2018

  • smok

    March 20, 2020 at 12:18 pm in reply to: not a drop of alcohol in my country

    Belassi said:


    iam asking aboutsystem of fermentation and distillation

  • smok

    March 19, 2020 at 7:11 pm in reply to: not a drop of alcohol in my country

    Belassi said:

    I can tell you how to build a system of fermentation and distillation if you like. 4 x 25 gallon bins produce 10 gallons of 97% ethanol every 10 days. You will need a reasonably competent tech to construct it. No big deal.

    Belassi said:

    I can tell you how to build a system of fermentation and distillation if you like. 4 x 25 gallon bins produce 10 gallons of 97% ethanol every 10 days. You will need a reasonably competent tech to construct it. No big deal.

    where are you?

  • smok

    March 18, 2020 at 6:30 pm in reply to: not a drop of alcohol in my country

    Belassi said:

    I can tell you how to build a system of fermentation and distillation if you like. 4 x 25 gallon bins produce 10 gallons of 97% ethanol every 10 days. You will need a reasonably competent tech to construct it. No i Belassi said:
    I can tell you how to build a system of fermentation and distillation if you like. 4 x 25 gallon bins produce 10 gallons of 97% ethanol every 10 days. You will need a reasonably competent tech to construct it. No big deal.

    have an alambic of distilation

  • smok

    March 18, 2020 at 9:59 am in reply to: not a drop of alcohol in my country

    Belassi said:

    I can tell you how to build a system of fermentation and distillation if you like. 4 x 25 gallon bins produce 10 gallons of 97% ethanol every 10 days. You will need a reasonably competent tech to construct it. No big deal.

    yes iam very interesting thank you

  • smok

    March 17, 2020 at 7:49 am in reply to: world after coronavirus

    Pharma said:

    Imagine that already now, China has so clean air as it hasn’t seen in a long time.
    Imagen that already now, crude oil price is plummeting due to reduced mobility worldwide.
    Imagine that already now, many airplanes are grounded.
    Imagine that this situation might go on for some more months and mother nature is already smiling. Greta Thunberg must be smiling too…

    the world before and after coronovirus it’s not the same it’s sure but i imagine Wars and famines and our air will be cleaned with auther pollution

  • smok

    November 18, 2019 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Argan oil causing turbidity in a natural shampoo.

    what do you imagine aragan oil doing in your shapoo?

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