Forum Replies Created
MarkBroussard said:LOL! … A Chemist IS a Scientist … SMH. You were actually lamenting the fact that no professionals would answer your question. As Bubbles pointed out, you should consider it a privilege that professionals bother to answer any of your questions on occasion. With that attitude, I doubt you’ll get much more free advice from any professionals on this forum.
Again (another confused individual) I do not need anyone to provide anything to me. I m starting to see a huge chain of confusion in this post. How about all those that have a such a intelligent IQ, actually read my initial post. If then you are still confused, well than I am very sorry for anyone that follows advice from this individual. Have a lovely day! I have some actual productive things to do with my time…
Bubbles said:A chemist is a scientist in the way that a square is a rectangle. Also, a lot of professionals on this forum are consultants, thus their opinion is the service they sell. For them to spend ANY amount of time on a question posed by you or me could potentially cost them literal money not just time.
If you have it handled, how did you solve your issue? After all, this forum is about learning and, as one of my professors used to like to say, if you have a question, 9 out of 10 times someone else has the same question but wont ask.
A Chemist is NOT a Scientist and there are VERY large differences. I am not on this forum to tit tat back amd forth with people I AM to professional and Mature for that. If someone does not want to provide their ipinion or contribute anything possotive to this forum I can not understand the waste of time. This is just me though and to answer your question I mixed the formula that I wanted and experimented, which I intended on doing anyway (aside from all the assumptions and snarly comments! ) I never had a issue I simply asked if anyone had formulated with the 2 surfactants and well the rest is obvious. Lol I can understand after my post why someone would not ask a question in here now.. There doesn’t seem to be anyone understanding the question and it gets turned into a totally different outcome. So with that said, I will be sure NOT to ask a question or opinion in here anymore, however I will always be happy to assist someone or provide my opinion to someone else if I am able and if not I will keep it moving so that person doea not end up discouraged and find there self’s dealing with all this mess.
ngarayeva001 said:You don’t get responds because of your attitude. Also if you don’t know who swiftcraftymonkey and call her self proclaimed you are clearly lacking knowledge about formulation world (which is quite small).
Once again your assumptions are very sad. You know nothing of my formulating skills and I know of Swiftcraftmonkey , as she created a website and charges a monthly subscription to give out formulas and dupe others formulators, yet states on previous post that she encourages everyone to learn by experimenting themselves (which is common sense in this business/hobby) lol. just because I have preferred not to formulate certain things or have had no past interest in them does not mean that I have no formulating knowledge so please, TRY to keep it professional when replying to posts and it makes you look bad to only waste characters in this blog with unhelpful remarks and assumptions.
Good Day -
Perry said:@Jdawgswife76 - The main reason you aren’t getting many helpful responses is because you haven’t asked specific enough questions. You said “(I) would like some input on the surfactant usage…” - this is too vague for me to address. What input would you like? What do you want to know? The best I’ve got is yes, use surfactants for face wash. 9% may work or it may be too much. Only you can decide if it’s too much. Is it too drying when you try it? This may or may not be helpful for you so I have no idea if that’s what you want to know.
You also asked “Can anyone provide any opinion or helpful information please?” - Again, this isn’t a specific enough question to get a helpful answer.
This forum is most useful for getting specific questions answered.
But also, no one is getting paid to post here. Everyone here is being generous with their time & expertise and participate because they either want to learn something or teach something. You may get answers in hours, but it may take a few days to get any responses. Be patient.
—-to everyone
Please give people the benefit of the doubt. Text is not always an efficient way to communicate exactly what you want to say so something may come off as rude when it wasn’t meant to be.Do your best to view all comments in a friendly light. And develop a thick skin. No one is trying to make anyone else look stupid, feel bad or become embarrassed. Ask for clarification of what has been said before you get upset and start throwing out insults.
And thank you for participating in the forum. I appreciate you all hope you find it a helpful, friendly place on the Internet.
Thank you perry! This would have easier in the beginning. My question posted was has anyone has experience with using these 2 together. I stated that I was new to formulating with face washes and would like ANY opinions or assistance. I really do not know how much more specific to ask the question. All i ask is that for the ones in here who read posts and have nothing to contribute, please do not reply with there assumptions and snotty remarks as this will make others not even want to come here seeking advice or opinion.
Thank you for stepping in and clarifying things for EVERYONE! -
MarkBroussard said:Jdawgswife76 said:Is there a lack of professionals willing to provide there input lately? I would like to assume or atleast hope that someone would know about these ingredients and are secure enough to hopefully provide some feedback.
Are you serious? There is no absolutely obligation on the part of professional chemists to offer you any advice as you seem to assume. Realize, we get paid for offering advice and any commentary or answers provided by a professional chemist on this forum to an amateur are purely at our own discretion.
Please so not get chemist and scientist confused! I don’t beleive that I asked you for service. I asked for an opinion so please dont confuse the 2 and if you dont have any positive input or opinion why are you here? Thanks but that just wasted to much of my time! I have it handled already.. Lol some people….
SwiftCraftyMonkey said:Clearly the forum is functioning, so there may be some other reason you aren’t receiving any responses to your barely a day old post.
My advice is to try these ideas you have and observe the results rather than asking theoretical questions and expecting the members of this forum to engage in speculation or to create a formula for you. Many of us very knowledgeable about surfactants, and that knowledge came from working with them for years, creating formula after formula, observing the results, then formulating again. I love working with surfactants, and that love arose from a many years of experimentation, which I encourage others to do.
Please don’t put quotes around “professionals” as it’s insulting.
Well my dear you may take it how you want to and not everyone in here is a professional, other than swlf proclaimed. I think I made it very clear with the question when stated “has anyone worked with these 2”. Unless your involving yourself more than you can hndle at once maybe you were reading a different post. I dont need anyone to provide me with a formula and i dont need the attitude either. If you dont have the experience with these and/or want to answer the question dont engage yourselves in it. Its very simple.. .Its not science. Seems to me like some people use this as an outlet to be bitter rather than to help.. I beleive this forum is for the purpose of questions and way ins not smart remarks and assumptions!
Wow is it the lack of knowledge on kne of these surfactants thats keeping the “professionals” from weighing in? I have noticed that there havent been alot answering or replies kn Chemist Corner lately. Is the website still functioning?
Is there a lack of professionals willing to provide there input lately? I would like to assume or atleast hope that someone would know about these ingredients and are secure enough to hopefully provide some feedback.
anyone else have ant possible advise please? Just on my just on my ASM for the face wash i know it should be 10% surfactant matter for the face but as far as the ingredients if anyone has experience with these 2 together?
o ok great advise thanks!
ltruong said:Hello
I am looking for snail secretion filtrate ( or snail slime). Just wonder if anyone knows any manufacturers that sell this ingredient.
thankspure health botanicals
MemberJanuary 18, 2019 at 7:39 pm in reply to: How to dissolve Salicylic acid or AHA acid in oil?Dr Catherine Pratt said:What about using a powdered version and adding it at the end of an emulsion, if that was what you were making? You could use Lactic Acid as well, good for moisturizing and/or deep cleansing.If you need any more help with that I am only an email away at drclambert@hotmail.comGood LuckI Thank you kindly as that is exactly what I ended up doing. I have the aqueous Lactic Acid 88% concentration. I absolutely love the moisturizer that I made…
MemberJanuary 18, 2019 at 7:33 pm in reply to: How to dissolve Salicylic acid or AHA acid in oil?I have done all my research and have already made my AHA moisturizer and Glycolic peel. I have the same concentration as mentioned earlier. 88% Lactic and 99.8% Glycolic crystals. The SA is powder form and did dissolve using the PG and the propanediol 1,3. Thank you for all your help and I did my own testing (skin patch testing) for all my formulas and found that the 10% was perfect for a very light , however I would not recommend anyone using this % on their own either as everyone has different skin type and tolerance and this just worked for me. As for the SA I am going to be making a gel in a 2% formula and I will see how this does on my skin for a leave on. As always researching and testing is always the best, maybe not the fastest that we would like but deff the most beneficial and safest…
MemberJanuary 14, 2019 at 7:04 pm in reply to: Decyl Glucoside sodium lauroyl lacylate blend shampoo formulatingcan anyone recommend if i can use any of these for face wash at 10%?? as I stated i only have coco betain, slsa and the decyl glucoside sodium lauroyl lactylate.. I have been reading on surfactants but the im not finding much on the decyl and sodium blend
MemberJanuary 13, 2019 at 11:26 pm in reply to: Decyl Glucoside sodium lauroyl lacylate blend shampoo formulatingall I have for surfactants are polysorbate 20 and 80, SLSA, and decyl glucoside sodium lauroyl lactylate blend and I am looking to make a face wash.I also have cocamidopropyl betain
MemberJanuary 13, 2019 at 4:43 am in reply to: How to dissolve Salicylic acid or AHA acid in oil?liprepap said:How do I dilute salicylic acid/aha acid/or any acid for that matter in an oil? What is the min/max amount recom and have had no imended? What would I use as an emulsifier? Is water added?Thanks in advance
it depends on the concentration of the SA if its a powder. When it comes to formulating with SA. Many people are scared to formulate with this acid and there is nothing to be scared about if you research and know how to use it properly and the proper %. Salicylic acid can be dissolved in propylene Glycol and propanediol 1,3, also it is oil soluble. I make all my own AHA and BHA products and have no issues. I use a 88% lactic concentration and a 99.8% Glycolic concentration. The SA is should be used at a 2% in skin products like face lotions, etc. the AHA’s very due to skin type and toleration. Most are 8-10%. 10% is usually used for beginners and al the way up to 70% in a professional medical office. Please just do lots of research on ALL AHA’s and BHA’s before formulating with them for your cosmetics and personal use and always do a skin patch test before using a full application. I have also used Vodka to Dissolve my SA and worked just fine 76& Vodka. Do not be afraid to experiment with AHA’s due to others fears. Research will provide you with the correct information that you need. See attached docs for solubility.
ok Sorry so late but thanks for all the help EVERYONE! You have been VERY helpful and at this point of my formulating this all makes so much sense as i have done a TON of experimenting and research since this post…Hope others can learn from this post.
MemberJanuary 3, 2019 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Ingredient(s) to Replace Glycerin in O/W Cream?Pardon my spell ✅ on my phone!
MemberJanuary 3, 2019 at 6:58 pm in reply to: Ingredient(s) to Replace Glycerin in O/W Cream?I see your simple question has turned into yet another debate. Yrs there are several others to ANSWER your question! The sodium lactate, hyaluronic, Sodium Pca, Propylene and Butylene Glycol, Sorbitaol, Allintoin, etc. Researching the different humectants will give you more of what your looking for and your reasoning for wanting something other than glycerin in your formula. So we are clear as the reasoning and NOT asuming, is there a specific reason you want to use something other than glycerin?
MemberDecember 28, 2018 at 10:35 am in reply to: Taking the plunge into home cosmetics.I do mot know about outside the US, However in the states you are able to do so from your home you just need a seperate addition/building to the home for a lab. Do not try to open a business selling to the public by formulating cosmetics in your kitchen. Also depends on the state in the US. I have seen people try to formulate their cosmetics from within their kitchen with barest of equipment and sanitary practices. In a lab it is much easier to keep sterile and store all your needed equipment and records as well as run your tests and keep everyone and everything out of the area/building where you want to make sure is the purest and most organized as well having room for the required equipment to to do.
MemberDecember 27, 2018 at 10:49 pm in reply to: Polysorbate 20, 80 for AHA facial cleanser or tonerI got all done last ty. I finally played around with it and got it. Turned out great finally
Thank you all that helped out! ! Ended up with a great face wash. .. -
MemberDecember 27, 2018 at 2:38 am in reply to: Polysorbate 20, 80 for AHA facial cleanser or tonerJdawgswife76 said:MarkBroussard said:Yes, you can use a combination of 1,3-Propanediol @ about 20% to 30% + 1% Sodium Citrate … if you’re using SA in the 1% range, that should do the trick. Keep your final pH around 3.8 to 4.0.Thank you Mark as well for your help on this and being specific. I disnt expect any exact usgaes or formulas but i greatly appreciate the extra mile.
1,3 propanediol is used at 1-10% so ate you saying use 20-30% citrate? Isnt that a bit high? Just checking
MemberDecember 26, 2018 at 12:45 am in reply to: Polysorbate 20, 80 for AHA facial cleanser or toner@Microformulation And? Discuss on I didn’t say I expected the discussion to end. Some people just comment due to nothing better to do i guess. Lol I hope it does continue on maybe someone else can use the valuable information that SOME people have contributed. ..
MemberDecember 26, 2018 at 12:43 am in reply to: Polysorbate 20, 80 for AHA facial cleanser or tonerTy @MarkBroussard…
MemberDecember 25, 2018 at 12:24 am in reply to: Polysorbate 20, 80 for AHA facial cleanser or tonerI am aware of all the safety and usages for SA. I have read a ton of threads and have Not Failed to read them. As I stted earlier, same that goes with my research with this particular ingredient, conflicting info is everywhere by everyone! Scientists, Chemists, (want to B’S) you name it. People experiment on diff levels and this seems to be a very unstable topic. But again I Am PERFECTLY well aware of the safety for this ingredient that is not the info iam concerned with. However once again thanks for attempting to help.