Episode 5: Chemists Corner - Fluid Viscosity
It’s the latest episode of the Chemists Corner podcast. Please have a listen and let us know what you think.
Chemists Corner podcast is about cosmetic science and is broadcast to help educate, entertain, and inspire current and future cosmetic scientists. Each episode we’ll talk about news in the cosmetic industry, answer some of your questions, and discuss a topic in-depth, usually with an industry expert interview.
In this episode…
1. News
- Discuss the passing of skin research pioneer Albert Kligman.
- Dermatologist gets warning letter from FDA
2. Listener question
Why is fluid viscosity important to cosmetic chemists?
3. Weekly Challenge.
Which headline is the FAKE?
a. Drinking tea can protect your skin
b. Music is good for your skin
c. Spent oil from French fries can repair your skin.
If you’ve got an answer to the challenge, have a question, or have any topics you’d like us to cover, leave a comment below.