Forum Replies Created

  • lordofthefries

    April 14, 2020 at 8:21 am in reply to: Preservative Concentration

    Pharma said:

    …school project…gel with a target shelf-life of 1 year…Are there any guidelines/ studies done to show various amounts added and their corresponding shelf-life?…

    School project sounds like fun! Your proposed preservative has decades of intense use in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It is usually used at a fixed proportion. A water based gel will, if preserved adequately, manufactured properly, and filled in tubes but not jars or pipette bottles, be stable for up to a year. Given that your kids do not know what GMP is… I’d go with a 3 months expiration date at the most. Depending on composition, storage in the fridge might be advisable too.

    Are there guidelines: yes
    Are there studies: not applicable in your case

    Hi Pharma! Would you be able to tell me what the guidelines are? I am interested to read them and find out more.