Cosmetic chemist salaries around the United States

Ever wonder what kind of salary you might make as a cosmetic chemist? Well, the truth is things are highly dependent on your location, company, experience, and economic conditions. The average salary for a cosmetic chemist around the country is $67,000 per year.

However, this list might give you a good idea of what you can expect in your area. We looked at a popular online career site and found the average salaries of cosmetic chemists around the United States. Here are some of the key cities and areas

Cosmetic Chemist salaries by city

1. San Jose - $90,000
2. Philadelphia - $84,000
3. New York - $79,000
4. Detroit - $78,000
5. Twin cities - $77,000
6. Los Angeles - $75,000
7. San Diego - $75,000
8. Chicago - $74,000
9. Dallas - $69,000
10. Houston - $68,000
11. Cincinnati - $67,000
12. Phoenix - $64,000
13. Nashville - $64,000
14. Memphis - $62,000
15. San Antonio - $58,000

Do you want to know what the average cosmetic chemist salaries are in an area we didn’t mention? Check out

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How to Become a Cosmetic Chemist

The job of a cosmetic chemist, or as they call it in the UK a cosmetic scientist, requires you to do a wide variety of things both in and out of the lab. Your main responsibility will be that of a formulator. This means you mix raw materials together to create cosmetic products like lipstick, nail polish, skin lotions, shampoos, toothpaste and any other type of personal care product.

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