Chemical Free Cosmetic Claims get a boost

As a chemist, little bothers me in the world of cosmetic claims than the claim “chemical free.”


Ok, I’ve gotten that out of my system.

The reason that this is bothering me today is that I saw on my Twitter feed an article that says this company McNabb Nutraceuticals was being investigated by the NAD. The NAD is the National Advertising Division which is a part of the Better Business Bureau. They are responsible for telling cosmetic companies whether their claims are misleading or not.

It turns out that there were four claims at issue with McNabb’s sunscreen products.

- “Most sunblocks use man-made chemicals and preservatives; That’s why I use Sunology.”
- “Sunology is different. It uses only natural ingredients to block the sun’s harmful UV rays.”
- “Sunology is safe for me too. It contains a moisturizer that helps prevent wrinkles and keeps my skin soft.”
- “Sunblock for skin that prefers no chemicals. Sunology. Naturally.”

Of these, the NAD disallowed only the claim about the product being a moisturizer. Specifically, the NAD determined that…

…the express and implied claims that Sunology is a natural or chemical-free sunscreen — coupled with the clear disclaimer — were supported.

How could they possibly support being a “chemical-free” sunscreen!!??

Hey NAD, everything is a chemical!

Rant over.

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