Forum Replies Created

  • StaffordshireDog

    September 13, 2021 at 3:29 am in reply to: Preservative needed for cleaning product with pH 10?

    USA. We have laws that vary by state and New York and California have strict laws for labeling. 

    The actual safe use by date for my product could be 2 years. However, the manufacturer of the preservative might have a window of 12 months to 24 months based on the percentage of solution that is preservative. The product could be safe for use for up to 24 months in this case, but the minimum time of 12 months is what I could use for the use by. 

  • StaffordshireDog

    September 8, 2021 at 10:55 pm in reply to: Preservative needed for cleaning product with pH 10?

    Hi Phil. Yes, it’s diluted soap no heat in prep. What about phenoxyenthanol?I was thinking no preservative, but then my use by dates would be unknown. I guess I can use the manufacturer guidelines to establish safe minimums that way. Thanks.