Forum Replies Created

  • paranoiagent

    March 16, 2016 at 11:18 pm in reply to: Need formulating / product development services for new brand
  • paranoiagent

    March 13, 2016 at 4:52 am in reply to: Pricing

    Sorry for not responding sooner, I’ve been very busy at work lately. @Perry thank you so much for your clarification, I sincerely appreciate it. I completely agree that a lot of popular products sell mostly from gimmick and/or good marketing.  Eos lip balm is one that comes immediately to mind. I’m not going to market my product as any kind of special formula with some special ingredient. I just want to say that my formula works and the products does what it claims to do. I went to art school not medical/chemist school, so maybe I have a little more imagination than most scientist lol. I whole heartedly believe in my idea and think it’s worth pursing.  Even if nothing comes of it, at least I can say I tried.  

     Having read through the forum for a while before asking my own question, I was already anticipating some jaded responses.  There seems to be one member in particular I feel goes out of their way to give dismissive responses. @EliseCortes I agree that some skepticism can be very constructive.  I’m well aware that as an entrepreneur there will be hardships and rough waters ahead.  I never thought for one minute that it would be smooth sailing the entire process.  I want to improve a product that has already shown it can improve an unsightly skin condition; one that it is not even intended to treat. If I can tweak the current formula, get it to treat the condition even better than it already does, than I won’t need to shill customers into buying my product.  I will sell it on merit, not a fancy or special formula. I hope I’v made that clear enough.

    I know the cosmetic industry is very over saturated. I feel my product however will fill a niche and not have to compete in an already very competitive market. I’m a very practical person and I don’t make a lot of money.  If I didn’t feel like my idea was lucrative I wouldn’t be wasting my money or time. I didn’t set out to make this product or to start a skin care line. I just happened to use a product that inadvertently treated a separate condition. That was my inspiration. 
  • paranoiagent

    March 9, 2016 at 3:43 am in reply to: Pricing

    @gergetedder, thanks for your response.  I agree that this forum is full of industry insiders and professionals with a wealth of knowledge, and I’v thanked people for their time and opinions.  I feel most people who responded to my original post have been very polite and helpful, thats why I said “some” of the response in my opinion come off condescending.  I didn’t mean to imply that anyone was rude, but that some of the response felt patronizing and flippant. Once again I thank anyone who took the time to respond to me, I appreciate everyones time.  I got a lot of great advice and appreciate those of you who have shared your experience and expertise.  If anyone one cares to know, I will try and keep this thread updated as I go forward. 

  • paranoiagent

    March 9, 2016 at 2:25 am in reply to: Pricing

    I don’t think there is a scientific way to prove that something is special, that is too subjective.  I’m not saying my idea is special, I’m saying that there is a current gap in the market that my product can fill.  In my humble opinion I think I have a very unique and potentially lucrative idea.  The marketing plan for my product will simple be that it works, coupled with photographic and scientific evidence.  Also, I don’t know if some of you realize how condescending your comments come off. 

  • paranoiagent

    March 6, 2016 at 6:03 am in reply to: Pricing

    Thanks for your advice.  My product will not target the disease, but will target the affects of the disease.  I’m not sure how to better explain it. 

  • paranoiagent

    March 5, 2016 at 8:00 am in reply to: Pricing

    Thank you so much for your response. I know exactly what the skin condition is, although it is a genetic condition, it is extremely common and benign. As for testing my product I have family and friends of varying skin tones and ethnicities who have volunteered to test the product when I settle on a formula I like.  I would like to enlist the help of a dermatologist to help me document the condition of the skin before, during, and after treatment has completed.  That way I have a medical report to show what exactly has occurred to the treated skin.

    I have emailed several chemist and I’ve heard back from one so far and was a little taken aback by the quote.  I will defiantly ask about ownership of the formula; that was great advice.  As for the NDA I thought of that and I actually thinks its a good idea to have one even before formation begins.  I honestly believe I have a really novel idea, you’ve probably heard it before, but I honestly believe l do. I’ve done a ton of research and there isn’t a product like it on the market.
    I have some ideas about how to market my product, and I’m leaning a lot towards a very big social media campaign.  If I can get the product to do what I want it to do and in a reasonable amount of time, I think it will sell itself.  I’ve also been researching companies to help me with branding and the packaging design, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. 
    Thanks again for all of your advice, I really appreciate your time and opinions.