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  • Hi!

    Thermo processing is unfortunately out of question since good fulvic, amino and humic acids will be destroyed over 45 degrees and I want them to stay. 

    Well, not much to wait anymore.

    Also on another subject, what would be good alternative for lowering PH from 7 to 5.5 instead of citric acid? Lactic? 

  • @Doreen
    Yes, I have received a new patch of phenoxyethanol and the scent outcome remains, unfortunately, the same.

    It is encountering to hear that there are more people experiencing difficulties with the bacterial elimination from fully natural material.
    Bypassing excitement is slowly replaced with the actual knowledge of the material itself and therefore I can say that there truly are multiple factors affecting the outcomes of different testings. Lots of characteristics to consider working with the material.

    It is overwhelming to hear that you end up mentioning radiation since this week I ordered sterilization tests with my material through 10 kGy gamma radiation ( Cobalt 60 isotope ). Of course, it is expensive and pretty bad market-wise for dilettants but the actual effect of it should be outstanding considering the situation with my complex, yet good and natural material.
    At least i think and hope so.


    Have anyone had experience with the registration of cosmetic product which has been sterilized through gamma radiation? ( Haven’t had time to check it’s compatibility with the EU cosmetic law, does the manufacturer have any duties of informing the customer about sterilization process?…)

    I will let you know about the outcome of tests!

    Thanks for everyone 

  • Just to be sure that i do not own any rancid version of phenoxyethanol, i will order it once again.

  • Scent of pure phenoxyethanol and scent of phenoxyethanol in different blends is pretty much the same and yes it seems pretty “chemical scent” . At least for my nose sensors…

    Geogard 221 blend reminds me a little bit of marzipan scent, but unfortunately it is still too strong to be pleased with it. 

  • Thank you gld010 for good option!
    I will look it up.

    Yesterday i ordered different types of high scent fragrance oils. For example coconut fragrance oil ( DIETHYL PHTHALATE + COUMARIN ).

    We’ll see how adding this affects overall scent outcome. Although even if it works then there might occur problem with COUMARIN which gets 7 out 10 points in the hazardous scala in ewg database.

    Parabens are unfortunately out of the question at the moment because of the green/natural madness. 

    I do not make my product out of powder. I have the license to excavate very very high quality sea mud from the natural reserves which makes it being very pure and the material is in its natural state like i described above.

    I have made powder version of it aswell by drying my regular wet product but only with the raw material selling purposes, not for my own cosmetic product purposes.

    Big thanks for everyone trying to help, really aprecciate it !

  • Ok

    So in order to get an effect of chelating agent itself, i should use so much of it that it would be pointless to use one, do i understand correctly ? 

  • Thank you both for the responses.

    I can see that there have not been any other opinions on my issue but i am still  fighting to get there by myself aswell;)

    Belassi, what do you mean by saying chelating agent would be overwhelmed by clay ? That it is pointlss to use with clay ? 

    As i understand chelating agent for example sodium phytate / phytate acid will bind up metal ions to not let bad microbes into them ? 

    Or have i misunderstood something ?