Forum Replies Created

  • Complicated, I can deal with. :) I don’t want to make things awkward with superfluous thanks, but this is a very generous response so… again… thanks!

    Could you point me toward where I might purchase pre-damaged hair swatches? When I google “hair swatch testing” I keep getting returns about avoiding the detection of drugs in one’s hair. Apparently, google thinks I like to party.

  • I edited my original comment instead. Still learning how to use this forum. 

  • Thank you Perry, I appreciate the in-depth reply! (I knew when I asked I was asking what’s essentially a n00b question.) I also and especially thank you for the book rec — I’ve already ordered a copy.

    In your answer you’ve sussed out my internal bias, I said “ideal” when I really meant “the least amount of breaking” + “leave hair in the best condition” (in that order). You are of course right, cosmetic efficacy is subjective based on whatever a person’s priorities are. 

    I was mulling over how I’d study the impacts of various pH of shampoo on hair this morning. I was thinking I could purchase virgin hair swatches, bleach some of them (to simulate damage) and use the rest as-is, and then test sub-groups of both bleached and non-bleached in shampoos of different pH — say, one acidic at 5, one neutral, and one alkaline at 8. They’d have to be washed and dried a number of times, and then tested for for breakage somehow. Or maybe just photographed under a microscope in comparison with the unwashed hair. This is, obviously, a *very* rough idea.

    I’m a nerd deep in my soul and I don’t like not knowing the effects of the things I’m making, so I hope I find the time to do this! In the meantime, I’m happy to dig into the book. Thanks again for your input.

  • NoelleLopes

    August 3, 2020 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Welcome to the forum

    Hi all, thank you for approving me for this forum, Perry! I’m Noelle, from the USA, and I am a passionate amateur cosmetic chemist and formulator. (My formal education background includes engineering and applied arts, so I’m used to math, at least!)

    So far, most of my learning has been from a combination of Susan Barclay Nichol’s blog and books, and other one-off books, like Recipes for Hair Care Products. Right now, I’m debating signing up for a couple of courses to formalize my learning, like the Chemist’s Corner course :)