Forum Replies Created

  • @dr sara  Thank you   As of now just in the US but if we were ship to EU that is good to know.  Is there a substitute you would recommend? 

  • @Agate
    Thank you for your response.  So then you’re suggesting just blend the oils with the Vegetable glycerine and sodium borate? I probably won’t need the sodium borate either? 

  • LisaC66

    August 23, 2020 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Welcome to the forum

    I am Lisa.  I own a corporate event planning company but because of Covid, all of our events have been canceled.   I have always been interested in cosmetics and homemade creams and lotions.  I have started making muscle relief salves, creams, and relax creams. I live in Key Largo, FL. I have been giving them to friends to use as a focus group before I start to sell them. They have been filling out the questionnaire I also include with each product and formula.  I am so happy to be able to be a part of this forum. It’s like I am starting a whole new career.