Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating General Quest for the Right Preservative part II: the struggle continues…


  • Doreen

    June 17, 2017 at 11:06 am

    Really no need for an excuse! It’s ok to piggyback on someone elses post sometimes, but if you need answers on your own exact situation, it’s not always handy. I think you will get a lot more answers if you start your own thread, that was the whole idea behind my advice.

    p.s. I use oat aswell, I love it. That’s why I need a strong preservative blend, especially on moulds/yeast was my opinion aswell. Really no need to get rid of the oat from your formula, I was afraid of that too (too sensitive for contamination). But Mark, DrBob and others helped me with this, I’m so thankful! Just find a preservative blend that’s right for about 2% in your formula. People here sure are willing to help you find the right one. You’re lucky to already have colloidal oat, can’t get it here. But thanks to Belassi, I will try to make my own colloidal. :) 

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