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  • QMS For Manufacturers

    Posted by KMRCSMiami on November 11, 2022 at 7:19 pm

    Hello Fellow Formulators & Friends, 

    I am currently comparing different QMS (Quality Management Systems) for Cosmetic Manufacturing. I am so used to the QMS systems of the Biotech and Pharma industry that when I look for options for cosmetics I am not impressed. They often lack key things, like a LIMS (laboratory integration… think sample retain management or something else that’s super convenient). 

    I was recommended Formulator, however this to me is also lacking. I also do not like that everything is an addition despite all being relevant and necessary. For example, if you wish to use it monitor ingredients for scale-up, you now how to add the manufacturing ingredient (whatever its called) program. If you wish to add quality control testing, bam another program with fee. If you are developing a formula, you would think scale-up would be included. Otherwise what is the advantage to the program when Excel can do it with a few clicks? Do you have any other recommendations? At this point, I may as well continue using my trust, and super cheap, Excel sheets that have never failed. 

    Thank you in advance for your time & happy formulating  <3

    DavidW replied 2 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Microformulation

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    November 11, 2022 at 7:22 pm

    We looked at multiple software packages as well. I agree 100% with Formulator in that you have to add multiple modules. Others have different issues. We work with multiple (>30) contract manufacturers with differing systems as there is no one Industry leader. In the end, we settled on Excel as well. We have even found ways to import our excel data into the other systems as well. Simply there is no appeal to purchase.

  • mikethair

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    November 11, 2022 at 8:34 pm

    We looked at multiple software packages as well. I agree 100% with Formulator in that you have to add multiple modules. Others have different issues. We work with multiple (>30) contract manufacturers with differing systems as there is no one Industry leader. In the end, we settled on Excel as well. We have even found ways to import our excel data into the other systems as well. Simply there is no appeal to purchase.

    Our experience as well. In the end, I wrote our own QMS, and yes, we rely on  Excel. It works.

  • KMRCSMiami

    November 14, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    Thanks, @mikethair and @Microformulation <3 

  • DavidW

    November 16, 2022 at 10:55 pm

    A few years ago I purchased and had installed software from this company (link below).  It seems good but I just didn’t have time to implement it.  Paid the yearly license a few years too.  In the end I just kept the system I developed using Excel.

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