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preservative potassium nitrate
Posted by amitvedakar on November 20, 2020 at 10:48 amCan Sodium methyl paraben or Sodium Benzoate react with potassium nitrate?what other preservative option?PhilGeis replied 4 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
Parabens, benzoates, and nitrates have bad toxicity reputation. Have you considered sodium levulinate and sodium anisate?
@amitvedakar While the carbonyl group in Sodium benzoate and Methyl paraben can be attacked, nitrates are not good nucleophiles. And under certain conditions, the aromatic ring can undergo nitrosation, but it requires rather acidic conditions for this to happen. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t use Potassium nitrate in cosmetics containing amines, or at all!
“Light the blue touch paper and retire quickly to a safe distance”
@biofm - Parabens are not toxic and it is only through fear marketing that people have come to see them as problematic. They aren’t.
And Sodium levulinate or sodium anisate are fine secondary preservatives but they are not effective enough to be the main preservative.
I hear you. It’s just that there is a lot of information out there suggesting so and also to the contrary. Here is one recent review that supports your nontoxicity notions, https://www.contactderm.org/UserFiles/file/Paraben_Toxicology-Fransway.pdf
Sorry for the overload but here is another, more balanced review.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rahul_Tade2/publication/327498041_Safety_and_Toxicity_Assessment_of_Parabens_in_Pharmaceutical_and_Food_Products/links/5b92085492851c78c4f3e75c/Safety-and-Toxicity-Assessment-of-Parabens-in-Pharmaceutical-and-Food-Products.pdf
I don’t exactly understand what you are saying. You say you hear me, then you link two articles that both say “parabens are safe to use in cosmetics” But you contend there is a lot of information suggesting parabens are unsafe.
I’m a bit confused.
The CIR and the SCCS, both independent groups made up of toxicologists have concluded that parabens as used in cosmetics are safe.
The second article you posted (that you erroneously classify as more balanced) references the Darbe article about parabens and breast cancer. This paper has been debunked numerous times & the author herself didn’t say it was proof that parabens caused breast cancer.
The whole movement against parabens is chemophobia & not based in science. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/cancer-controversial-science-cosmetics-health-news-quackery-toxicity/joe-schwarczs-right-chemistry-paraben-phobia-unjustified
If there was good evidence, I would be willing to change my opinion. But there isn’t good evidence. There is only bad evidence that people with an agenda of fearmongering & the naturalistic fallacy try to propagate to the public.
I’ll just add that sodium levulinate has not been determined to be safe in cosmetics. The CIR report insufficient data to declare safety.
“Impurities (purity is reported as 97% what is the remaining 3%)
28-Day dermal toxicity study (and, if found to be absorbed other endpoints may be needed, e.g., DART) Ocular irritation data at or above the highest leave-on concentration (0.57%) reported in an eye area product”Now, I’m not saying that it is unsafe. But the CIR doesn’t have enough data to say that it is. https://www.cir-safety.org/ingredients
Thank you all. I found parabens are common preservative for toothpaste. Here . Will try plain Paraben.
Perry said:The whole movement against parabens is chemophobia & not based in science. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/cancer-controversial-science-cosmetics-health-news-quackery-toxicity/joe-schwarczs-right-chemistry-paraben-phobia-unjustified
If there was good evidence, I would be willing to change my opinion. But there isn’t good evidence. There is only bad evidence that people with an agenda of fearmongering & the naturalistic fallacy try to propagate to the public.
As Perry said, look to those professional entities like CIR and SCCS who detail information and live with their decision. You can alsways find a researcher publishing an affimative opinion of disaster based usually on irrelevant and or bad science.
On the credibility side - SCCS just published this opinion of Propyl parabens. Please note the depth of its consideration. ” SCCS has concluded that propylparaben is safe when used as a preservative in cosmetic products up to a maximum concentration of 0.14 %.” https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/scientific_committees/consumer_safety/docs/sccs_o_243.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0p-PkyKeHFEcUyorfxdteQXrJru35M_f5GhXgAO2iy096yIVavgmggcVo
KNO3 is in toothpaste as a desensitizing agent , not preservative.
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