Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Neurocosmetics

  • Perry44

    May 10, 2024 at 10:27 am

    This may be the way forward for some innovation in the cosmetic industry (there hasn’t been any real consumer perceptible innovation in years).

    However, consider me skeptical that this could make much difference. In my experience people are just terrible at noticing subtle differences in cosmetic products. You can make the greatest formula in the world and if you put the wrong fragrance in it, no one is going to want to use it. Conversely, you can make a lame formula that everyone loves just because it has a well-loved fragrance and a good marketing story.

    This is also ignoring the legality of creating products that you know specifically impact the biochemistry of people. This would make them drugs.

  • Elliot

    May 10, 2024 at 9:55 pm

    Yeah, no, I’m one of those with super sensitive skin, I cut labels out of clothing, have stinging type skin.. but that’s a bad idea. Leave that to MD’s and pharmacognosists. The amount of possible drug interactions too ought to give you pause.

    • PhilGeis

      May 11, 2024 at 5:13 am

      Think you’ll looking at the regulators more than the clinicians.

  • MarkBroussard

    May 11, 2024 at 7:18 am

    These ingredients have been developed by some of the leading cosmetics companies including Givaudan, Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, Solabia Group (all based in the EU). I think they have the regulatory and technical/safety aspects covered.

    • MarkBroussard

      May 11, 2024 at 7:48 am

      I forgot to mention that Solabia’s Serenibiome just won the Most Innovative Raw Material award at the recent Society of Cosmetic Chemists Supplier’s Day. So, yes, neurocosmetics can be a path forward toward innovation in the cosmetics industry.

      Agree that it is difficult for consumers to sense minor differences in the appearance of their skin from use of cosmetic products, but they are looking at it with the naked eye and no scientific training. That is compounded by marketing that creates unrealistic expectations on product performance. The issue here is the marketing may lead neurocosmetics down the path of CBD with the product expectations being so overhyped that the products cannot possibly deliver the “promised” results, nor were they ever intended to.

      • Graillotion

        July 23, 2024 at 1:23 am

        Have you worked with this product @MarkBroussard ?

        I have to say….skeptical me… started working with this a couple of weeks ago…along with two other additional glycolipids…. and I have been utterly shocked.

        I have had a lifelong sensitivity to deodorant (any form other than aerosol, and my foray into glycolipids is the first days in my entire life… where a non-aerosol deodorant did not give me at least a tickle of irritation. I have spent the last two years trying to get to this point… and all of a sudden…. WHAM to the face….here yah go!

        I need to do some more testing…as I used the Solabia material at 4X the rate of the others (per mfg suggestion). But I am positively optimistic.

        Without stealing someone’s thunder…. a USA repacker will soon be offering two forms of Glycolipids, albeit not the Solabia one/s.

    • PhilGeis

      May 12, 2024 at 5:18 am

      Right - they would not approach it without a wellthought out positioning/strategy. Need to see how FDA responds.

  • Perry44

    May 12, 2024 at 6:12 am

    Raw material suppliers are not under the same regulatory scrutiny as finished goods makers. Essentially they can market their ingredients however they want with the flimsiest of evidence. They know they are not the ones ultimately responsible for claims made to consumers. I take what raw material suppliers say (even big corporations) with a grain of salt.

    And winning awards at in cosmetics or another trade show is not impressive either. These awards are given out every year but the reality is that very little changes in our industry. There haven’t been significant innovations since the 1980’s in my opinion. But still they have to give an award for something. Sadly that something typically comes down to the best marketing story.

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