Natural Soap with a PH of 4.5 to 5.5?
I am really in need of some assistance. I am in no way a scientist but a “hobbyist” natural soapmaker for more than 15 years. I have done a lot of research in order to formulate my own recipes for soaps, serums and such. I have been approached by someone to formulate a natural soap with a PH of between 4.5 - 5.5. To be labelled a 100% natural bar soap with a Ph the same as the skin.
In my experience, oils and butters saponified with NaOH and/or KoH, even with a relatively high superfat of 8%, it is impossible to achieve this low a Ph in a natural soap. I have been able to lower the Ph slightly with the addition of citric acid at 1,5%, and lactic acid, but never in the region of what is required. I have tried including the additives in a rebatch, after the cook in Hot process and in cream soap, but I cannot get the Ph low enough.
This person has the following qualifications;
BSc(Biol Sc), MSc(Applied Human Nutrition), Somatology, and is confidant that this can be achieved without the use of any chemical substances.With all my research the only thing that comes I can find is a cleansing creams or lotions, but not a natural soap.
Any advice or clarification on this will be appreciated.
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