natural deodorant
Hi, new to group, amazed and grateful that there is a group like this!
so I am making a natural deodorant and have stumbled into obstacles and need help!
I started with magnesium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, water and essential oils, but the sodium bicarb chrystallised so I removed it, but then it didn’t seem to work as well. It also was too thin, so I have bought some Eco-gel.
I have a few questions:
1. Can I add the sodium bicarb back but at smaller amounts & will this stop it chrystallising?
2. Does anyone know anything about Ecogel? do I need to heat it first and does anyone know the amounts to add? (there is nothing on the website about measurements and I am NOT a chemist)
I want to keep it as a spray deodorant, so don’t want it too thick, just not dripping down my arms!
3. should I just trial and error this? ( don’t really want to as the chrystallising of the bicarb is ruining by bottles and am having to throw them away)
any advice would be fab!
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