Lotion failure, sigh
The lotion I made today failed. I have already reviewed the various ways lotions can fail, and I do not know which is the culprit here
There is only 1% cetyl alcohol in here because I use a pump bottle for my lotions.Is it possible my hand mixer didn’t achieve a high enough speed to achieve mechanical emulsification?I have read in the past on this forum that one does NOT want to introduce too much air into a lotion, so I only had my mixer on the lowest speed, to avoid that.I mixed for a total of 29 minutes with 1 minute pauses after each approx. 4 minute session of mixing to allow the mixer to cool a little & so I could write notes.I heated the 2 phases for around 22 minutes. The 2 phases actually got to 82 C, much higher than I like to get it. I took them out of the pan while watching the temperature to make sure it would not get below 75C. I think my electric pan is acting up. From what I’ve read, the emulsifier I used today, Polawax by Croda is O.K. to heat & hold from 70C to 80C. The phases were at 70C when I poured the oils into the large mixing bowl, THEN I poured the water phase into the bowl & began mixing with the hand mixer.Here’s the formula:0.2 % EDTA0.5 % allantoin2% sodium lactate4 % aloe vera 200x concentrated powder diluted in glycerin71% filtered & boiled water (it is from snow melt, no mineral issues with our water)3% sweet almond oil2% castor bean oil7% rice bran oil1% vitamin E (50/50 mixed tocopherols)1% cetyl alcohol5% Polawax (this amount is more than the recommended 25% of the 13 grams of oils in the oil phase)2% Dry Flo (modified tapioca starch) added at around 50C0.5 % Germall plus preservative, added after the Dry Flo was mixed in a littleMy hubby thinks I have nothing to lose at this point & I should try mixing this again tomorrow with my stick blender (sterilized, of course). What do we think of THAT idea? Worth a try or is this a permanent failure since it has already cooled off?Thank you ahead of time for any suggestions & pearls of wisdom.
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