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  • IPCS quality statement

    Posted by IPCS on April 21, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    Institute of Personal Care Science is a Quality Audited, Internationally and Industry Recognised, and Government Accredited Registered Training Organisation.

    The Institute of Personal Care Science was founded in 2007 by Belinda Carli, with the goals of providing professional, quality training in cosmetic science, brand management and regulatory affairs. She consulted widely with Industry throughout the development of the Institute’s curriculum, courses and programs, and still does today. She has always made it an online, accessible program that meets Industry and Government standards for Cosmetic Chemists, Brand Managers and Regulatory Associates. Visit: https://personalcarescience.com.au/

    While her work is widely recognized and held in high esteem by the vast majority of industry, it is unfortunate that a small number of people in this field publicly post slander against not only Belinda’s years of high-quality work, but also the Institute, without knowing enough about our training, staff or Director. This post has been written to set the record straight with facts and evidence, to stop such misinformation.

    Fact 1: The Institute of Personal Care Science provides Internationally and Industry Recognised training, around the world, including the USA. Our students and graduates are recognized to have such a high standard of learning that employers around the world, including the USA, regularly advertise, naming our training, as a requisite for applying for various Cosmetic Chemist, Quality and Regulatory job vacancies. You can see job postings proving this statement here: https://personalcarescience.com.au/Jobs/Cosmeticchemistjobs-761/ Even when positions are filled, we ask employers if they would like us to remove their job listing, and they ask us to keep the job posts open and sent to our students/graduates regularly, as they are always looking for quality staff from our alumni.

    In addition to the multitude of job postings from employers around the world, we also have a variety of manufacturers and suppliers offering our students and graduates internships from various locations around the world, including the USA. Some of these interns then get offers of employment based on their performance. You can see proof of internship availability here: https://personalcarescience.com.au/Jobs/Cosmeticchemistjobs-761/Cosmeticchemistinternship-7702/

    Fact 2: The Diploma of Personal Care Formulation provided by the Institute of Personal Care Science is Recognised by other colleges and universities around the world, including the USA. Because it is a Government Accredited course and The Institute of Personal Care Science is a Registered Training Organisation at a level 5 (College/Diploma) standard, the units that make up the Diploma can be used to attain credits in relevant and related college and university courses around the world. The full Diploma of Personal Care Formulation, when completed, can be used as an entry course to apply for University Masters programs, including the University of Cincinatti Master of Science in Cosmetic Science.

    Graduates of our Diploma are qualified Cosmetic Chemists and job ready, but should they wish to pursue a Masters or University program, they are able to use our training to gain credits or entry to a variety of further study options.

    Fact 3: The Institute of Personal Care Science is Government Accredited as a Registered Training Organisation. To become Government Accredited, and to maintain this Government Accreditation, a Registered Training Organisation has significant quality standards it must demonstrate and adhere to with their training, assessment, student support and even advertising. You can find these standards at this Government website: https://www.asqa.gov.au/rto/responsibilities/complying-legislation As a Registered Training Organisation, we are regularly audited to ensure we have consulted with Industry on the quality of our training and assessment materials, that they are kept current and up to date with industry trends and regulatory needs, and to ensure we are providing the training, support and services we advertise. We are also audited to make sure our trainers are properly qualified and experienced to provide the required support to complete the training, and we are also audited to make sure our assessments are made fairly and in line with the required standards.

    Fact 4: Graduates of our Diploma of Personal Care Formulation are qualified Cosmetic Chemists. There is a significant volume of work that our students must complete to earn this qualification. This is composed of 1200 hours of highly specialized cosmetic science, regulatory affairs and quality/stability testing training, from over 1300 pages of quality audited and industry reviewed text, 60+ hours of online lectures, 6 written assessments, 6 practical samples as part of their practical submission, and a final exam. Their training includes guidance on 70 different cosmetic practical activities which must be also be completed to pass. Besides being taught all the required science, quality and regulatory aspects required of a Cosmetic Chemist, they are also taught how to research all types of cosmetic ingredients from a vast number of suppliers for the required safety, compatibility and performance.

    You can see evidence of their qualification, and right to use the title ‘Cosmetic Chemist’ here: https://personalcarescience.com.au/FooterMenu/OurCredentials-502/ and directly from the Government site, here: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/10788NAT If these links change, please contact us for the latest links if you need further evidence.

    Fact 5: Industry consultation is sought regularly as part of our ongoing quality commitment and requirements. Cosmetic ingredient suppliers, manufacturers, regulators and Chemists are regularly contacted by us to review our curriculum, training and assessments. We also regularly ask industry for feedback and insights into latest trends or concerns, to ensure our training stays current and up to date. We constantly seek industry consultation not only to ensure our training is the best it can be, but also because we are required to demonstrate industry consultation as part of our ongoing Training Registration. It is a Government requirement, to maintain our accreditation status, that we can show evidence of this industry consultation. By maintaining our Government Accreditation, you have proof that we are consulting widely with industry on a regular and ongoing basis.

    As for questions, comments or doubts posted about whether our Diploma is a ‘real’ Diploma: Yes, it most definitely is, and has a Government seal of approval confirming this. It is important to discern between a Degree (which we do not provide, and which must be issued by a University program) and a Diploma (which we do provide, and are accredited to provide, as a private training college). Please also see fact point 3 and 4 above if you need further clarification and proof.

    As for questions, comments or doubts posted about Belinda’s qualifications or experience: You can see Belinda’s bio here: https://personalcarescience.com.au/WhystudywithIPCS/Onlinecosmeticsciencetraining-498/ In addition to over 20 years of working in the industry as a Cosmetic Chemist and Regulatory Consultant, Belinda has also authored the training and assessment materials provided by the Institute. Her work has been to constantly research and develop those training materials, ensuring they are the best they can be, to meet industry standards and Government requirements. Throughout this time, she has also been involved with thousands of research and development and regulatory projects for brands of all sizes as well as manufacturers and raw material suppliers. Her work is of such a high quality and scrutinized standard and of such volume, spanning those years - which could be likened to a Masters or PhD requirement – that it is deserving of proper acknowledgement by even the harshest critics.

    As for questions, comments or doubts posted about our Graduates qualifications or experience: Our Advanced Certificates and Diplomas are not issued without all required assessment items being passed to attain the qualification. Our Graduates earn their qualifications fairly, through perseverance, study and their own hard work, and in line with all required and audited processes to proudly claim their title.

    For those of you who have read mis-informed posts: we hope the above information has provided clarity about the Institute of Personal Care Science and our training, so you can make a properly informed choice about the training provider for your cosmetic science, regulatory or brand goals.

    For those of you who continue to post misinformation: we would like to see an end to the misinformation, anger and hate comments made about our courses, training, the Institute and Belinda – or any of our team for that matter. Instead of posting such messages, if you have further issues or questions we invite you to contact us direct: info@personalcarescience.com.au and we will make sure your email is passed on to the appropriate person.

    We trust this clarifies our position with evidence, so we can get on with providing quality content, training and qualifications to support the positive growth of our amazing industry.

    Happy formulating!

    IPCS replied 9 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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