Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Cosmetic Industry Resources fragrance powders

  • johnb

    May 18, 2017 at 7:04 am

    Can you define what you want the fragrance powder to do?

    Do you want a fragrance concentrate? A finished dusting powder? a fragrance cleaning product? or?

  • goldie

    May 20, 2017 at 1:00 am

    thank u johnb <3 oh maybe im not familiar with that form  what is a dusting powder?is it a fragrance form in a powder?if so i mean  exactly that :) or alternatively can i create my own?i now create a perfume lotion line and i want a matching powder to it 

  • johnb

    May 20, 2017 at 7:23 am

    Dusting powder = talcum powder. Is this what you intend?

    These powders are easily prepared by absorbing a perfume concentrate into a suitable inert medium such as magnesium carbonate or starch or fumed silica. This is done by simple mixing of about one part fragrance concentrate to 3 or 4 parts absorbing powder. This mix is then triturated with the main bulk of talc.

    Trituration is a simple process that ensures even distribution of the fragrance into all of the talc. Take one portion of your perfumed powder concntrate and mix thoroughly with an equal amount of talc. Then this mix and mix with two parts of talc (you then have equivalent of four parts). Take these four parts and mix with an equal amount of talc. You then have eight parts. Take these eight parts of mixture and thoroughly mix with eight parts of talc. You then have sixteen parts and repeat until it is all mixed together. Sift the final mix to ensure there are no lumps or aggregates.

    This is much easier to carry out than it appears to be on paper.

    DO NOT just dump the perfume oil into talc and stir - it will not mix properly.

    Be careful with the selection of perfume. The powder form makes the perfume prone to oxidation which results in changes to the odour - these can be very unpleasant. Storage test thoroughly before making a final decision on suitability.

  • johnb

    May 20, 2017 at 10:03 am

    I omitted to mention:

    The perfume level in this type of product is usually between 0.5 - 1.0%.

  • goldie

    May 20, 2017 at 8:43 pm

    wow johnb thank you so much  :) i appreciate it ,i understood the process perfectly are all  fragrance powders made from talc ?because one of the suppliers answer back to me and says they do not use talc they use corn starch ,does it make sense?i do worry about the oxidation part you mention are all powders form do that?again i want to say thank you!

  • johnb

    May 21, 2017 at 8:32 am

    Most dusting powders have a talc base. There is a legal problem going through the US courts at the moment where there is a class action lawsuit against J&J in respect of their Baby Powder causing cancers in adult users. It should be noted that there is no proof so far that this is true and, even if it is, these reactions are extremely rare.

    Regarding cornstarch as dusting powder, it has a completely different feel to talc, even using the modified versions which are supposed to be talc imitators (e.g Dry-Flo starch). Tapioca starch or a modified tapioca starch (Dry-Flo TS) has a better skin feel in my opinion. You could, of course, use a blend of talc and starches to give the best (or worst) of both worlds.

    The oxidation problem is not directly due to the powder itself but to the very large surface area that the perfume is subjected to when distributed on a powder.

  • goldie

    May 23, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    johnb first thank you on your explanation :) you make it to a non native speaker easy to understand,i heard about the j&j lawsuit  in the last two years i read also about the possibility that there are asbestos leftovers in the talc and it was proven that the talc selling today and for the last years does not include it anymore. about the powders another one i was offered is lycopodium powder {we use it in my country to babies tush} are you familiar with it?i will try to find the tapioca stretch supply can i add a little bit of mica to it{to the tapioca stretch}?i want little bit of a sparkle so talc will be the less tend to oxidation ? is there other ways instead of fragrances oils?

  • johnb

    May 24, 2017 at 7:25 am

    Asbestos in talc was a problem many, many years ago but was resolved by the discovery of new sources, initially in Italy, that were asbestos free.

    Lycopodium would not, I think, be acceptable as a cosmetic dusting powder. It is an unpleasant dirty yellow colour but, apart from that, it does not respond well to industrial mixing procedures. Lycopodium has a structure comprising an oil filled sac. in the rigours experienced during mixing etc, the sacs are easily ruptured, thus releasing the oil. This is accelerated and intensified by the presence of liquids (e.g perfume oil) and by solid particles (e,g talc). So, instead of a dusting powder, the result is a sticky mass.

    All fragrance concentrates are liquids comprising blends of odourous materials. Adding “little bit of sparkle” will not alter this fact and have no effect on perfume stability. (Perhaps I have misunderstood this part).

  • goldie

    May 27, 2017 at 9:03 pm

    got it :) so i will look for a talc +tapioca stretch combo its sounds the best of two worlds. the mica part yes i think i didnt explain myself well i want this powder to be sparkly a little bit so you can apply it also on the decolte {above the chest }and shoulders and get a glow and smell divine ;)thank you johnb so much

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