Environmental impact of 1,2 Propanediol vs. 1,3 Propanediol
For simplicity sake (for MY typing) let’s just call
1,2 Propanediol from petroleum feedstocks PROPYLENE GLYCOL, or just PG
1,3 Propanediol from corn feedstocks, by its trade name ZEMEAThink of ALL the steps that go into making diesel fuel from crude oil, including the environmental alteration and degradation. The diesel is used by trucks to move both PG and ZEMEA to whomever is buying it. So this environmental cost should be taken into consideration for BOTH PG and ZEMEA.
Now let’s say some of the diesel is converted into methane from the crude goes and then through many, many steps into PG. I don’t know how many steps, it’s LOTS I’m sure.
The petroleum industry is NOT there to create feedstocks for cosmetic & pharmaceutical ingredients, but it just so happens that petroleum CAN be a feedstock (through MANY steps I’m sure) for SOME pharmaceutical & cosmetic ingredients, like PG, in this example.
NOW, think of all of the steps it takes to grow corn. This would include clearing land of all the flora & fauna that lived there, plus making synthetic fertilizer & pesticides using petroleum feedstocks for the ammonia, plus planting the corn, harvesting, maybe irrigating, taking it to the facility where smart chemically-trained people turn it into ZEMEA. PLUS, to this, you need to add all of the steps it took to make diesel from the raw crude so the trucks & tractors & combines, etc. can move the corn after harvest to the facility to make the ZEMEA.
From all of this, and yes, MANY more steps I am ignorant about, here is my question:
Is ZEMEA less environmentally damaging (including the loss of life from the corn fields that had to be created) than just making PG from petroleum feedstocks?
Again, let’s not forget that the petroleum fields will exist whether or not we use ZEMEA or PG in our cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. BOTH products have some of this “embedded cost” in their manufacturing.
I hope I’ve explained my question well, and yes I know I have not outlined all the steps in making PG and ZEMEA, because I am not a chemist, just a hobbyist.
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