Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Car fragrance dilemma

  • Car fragrance dilemma

    Posted by helike on June 25, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    My business was inquired for a car fragrance product. The product is a fragrance oil or essential oil soaked wood. Me knowing nothing about formulation I did what I thought it will work. I soaked the wood in fragrance oils and glycerin for 24 hours. While the wood smells fantastic it does not give away any scent when I put it in a car. It would be great if somebody could advice me or point me to the right direction what I have to do? What I need to add to the oil to actually give away it’s scent. Or do I need to find a fragrance chemist to create the formula for me? Thanks in advance for all responses!

    Aniela replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • ozgirl

    June 25, 2024 at 8:13 pm

    You should talk to your fragrance manufacturer. At the very least they will be able to guide you on the types of fragrances that are suitable for these products. There is a reason that the fragrances in these types of products are limited because only certain fragrances have the qualities you are looking for.

    I haven’t made anything like this but I assume you would also probably need some sort of slow evaporating solvent. Maybe look to formulas for reed diffusers. They might give you some suggestions on solvents.

  • sagestudent

    August 8, 2024 at 7:58 pm

    Just spitballing…

    I wonder if you use a thinner, more porous wood that would improve your diffusion rate. I am thinking of this one specific substrate from Fasson or Avery (I can look it up if you need it) that is a very thin layer of wood… something slightly less than a cardboard journal cover, but flexible and porous. laser cut the shapes you want, and then soak that in your fragrance. the material I am thinking of has some “eco-friendly” certifications as well, so you can use that in your marketing as well.

    what kind of wood are you using right now and how thick is it? is it polished? the more porous the better. Newer wood is also better. Older woods are more resinous inside, and much denser. That’s why old growth Poly Santo and sandalwood chips smell awesome when burned… the resin is on the inside and melts as it heats up. vs hardware store pines and Doug firs, which are usually much less dense (makes them easy to construct with!). And way more diffusive! You know how Home Depot has a cut lumber smell? That’s why! I think that’s why, anyway. #hypothesis

  • Aniela

    August 9, 2024 at 12:08 am

    Hi Helike,

    As one who made quite a few room-sprays using essential oils (for personal use), I suggest you take @ozgirl‘s advice.

    Only a proper designed fragrance will have the qualities you’re looking for. Essential oils are not standardized- their smell can/will differ from batch to batch (due to weather, soil condition, etc), and also it can take ages to arrive at the best combination.

    However, if you want to experiment by yourself, you could start with a proper base (not glycerin) like Isopropylideneglycerol.

    Best of luck!

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