Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Skin Can we use this modified jessner peel as spot treatment for acne

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  • Can we use this modified jessner peel as spot treatment for acne

    Posted by Abdullah on July 16, 2023 at 10:11 pm

    This is the modified jessner peel i have made

    Salicylic acid 14%

    Lactic acid 4%

    Citric acid 8%

    Ethanol (70% in water)

    Can someone with inflammatory acne use this peel as spot treatment for acne?

    If yes, how often should they use it per month?

    Unknown Member replied 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Microformulation

    July 17, 2023 at 10:14 am

    No. I would never recommend it as a client-use product UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES whatsoever. For safety and liability, it is negligent to do otherwise. As such it wouldn’t be a Primary Acne Treatment. I have made hundreds of these in both Pharmaceutical Compounding as well as a Consultant. It is not a limitation to take lightly.

    The attached reference discusses the treatmet and indications for Jessner Solutions. They are a Derm Care Product.

    Also, you will not achieve a stable product without particulate matter with 70% Ethanol. It uses 95% Alcohol. Try as you might, the solubility doesn’t favor your substitution.

    • Abdullah

      July 17, 2023 at 11:05 pm

      The peel i have made, 3 women have used it as advised her. Wash the face with face wash, apply the peel one layer, rinse it after 20 minutes, use a moisturizer twice a day.

      They used the peel by themselves but i was there to check if something happens and to advise them.

      They said it is very tolerable, much more tolerable than bleaching your face as it is very common for women here to bleach their face by themselves.

      One man with acne has used it as spot treatment on one of his acne. I don’t know it was papule vs pustule. It was tolerable. His that one acne dried and is about to be removed by it self now after 4 days. We are seeing what will happen.

      safety and liability aside, how about effectiveness for acne as spot treatment? Just for my knowledge.

      • Abdullah

        July 17, 2023 at 11:15 pm

        They applied some petrolatum on sides of nose, under eyes and lips too before applying the peel to prevent peel contact with those places.

  • Unknown Member

    May 27, 2024 at 12:47 am

    <pre data-placeholder=”Bản dịch” aria-label=”Bản dịch” data-ved=”2ahUKEwjtn86a_KyGAxX1jK8BHVu7CUkQ3ewLegQIBRAU”>You can treat acne with long pulse 1064 nm Nd:YAG Laser. This method is very effective and safe.
    Refer to: https://doctoracnes.com/dieu-tri-mun-chuan-y-khoa/

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