• BTMS-50

    Posted by ltruong on May 6, 2017 at 4:10 pm

    I have a question regarding to BTMS-50 (INCI: Behentrimonium methosulfate (and) cetyl alcohol (and) butylene glycol), Its a conditioning emulsifier. I understand all three compounds have conditioning affect however I am not quite sure where the emulsifying part comes from, Behentrimonium methosulfate and cetyl alcohol have high HLB while butylene glycol has no HLB?

    johnb replied 7 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Bill_Toge

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    May 6, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    behentrimonium methosulphate is the key part: it’s a surface-active molecule with a charged head and a hydrophobic tail long enough to act as an effective emulsifier

    because it’s cationic, it doesn’t actually have a HLB value - the HLB system is only relevant to non-ionic surfactants

    the other two components are not emulsifiers at all

  • ltruong

    May 7, 2017 at 4:03 am

    @Bill_Toge  thank you !
    I always have difficulty understand this, I thought behentrimonium methosulphate is surface active agent or surfactant which doesn’t mean that its an emulsifer. I was told that one sufactant can’t make a stable emulsion, there must be combination of low, high HLB surfactants and emulsion stablizers. In the case of BTMS, I can see behentrimonium by itself as the solublizer but not an emulsifier.
    I am missing something, could someone please help?

  • johnb

    May 7, 2017 at 7:37 am

    As far as I was aware, this mixture was originally marketed as a convenient part pre-formulated hair conditioner requiring only appropriate dilution and a polymer thickener/stabiliser (hydroxyethylcellulose or similar) to give a finished product. It resembles the ingedient mix of a hair conditioner that was very popular some years ago which, by its market share at the time, amply showed that more complex formulations of hair conditioner were unnecessary.

    As so often happens, formulators have played around with this blended material trying to make to perform in products it was never intended for. It is for a hair condtioner. Don’t try to make it do other tasks.

    In regard to your latest post here:

    I was told that one sufactant can’t make a stable emulsion, there must
    be combination of low, high HLB surfactants and emulsion stablizers. In
    the case of BTMS, I can see behentrimonium by itself as the solublizer
    but not an emulsifier.

    None of that is true and a great overgeneralisation.

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