Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Aftershave research…

  • Aftershave research…

    Posted by David08848 on October 24, 2019 at 6:35 pm

    I am looking for a basic, old style formula for making an alcohol based after shave splash with simple ingredients like glycerin, alcohol, fragrance etc.  I’ve been looking for a few hours with no luck and wondered if someone could suggest a place I should look here online that might have something like this.  I’ll keep looking and am open to all suggestions.  Thank You! David

    David08848 replied 5 years, 4 months ago 6 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • OldPerry

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    October 24, 2019 at 9:36 pm

    Here’s one from the book Poucher’s Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps

    I’ve never made it.

  • David08848

    October 25, 2019 at 12:04 am

    Perry, Thanks so much for the formula!  I have the book but didn’t think it would have a formula for After-shave in it and it looks like a good, basic formula!  I haven’t worked with alcohol before (and I don’t drink it! :smile:) so what form of alcohol should I use for this type of product?  Thanks again, your assistance is appreciated!

  • Aziz

    October 25, 2019 at 1:48 am

    Perry said:

    Here’s one from the book Poucher’s Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps

    I’ve never made it.

    Nice to see , you have mentioned the name of Poucher’s Perfumes, cosmetics and soaps .  :) . It is one of my favourite books.  

  • David08848

    October 26, 2019 at 8:44 pm

    The formulation includes Ethanol (denatured), SD Alcohol 40.  I have been looking for suppliers who are near New Jersey and New York and have found a couple but does anyone know what the going rate is for this product?  I don’t need to spend any more than needed!  I assume that this also would involve hazmat fees and one source did say that it’s price would be 1/2 if you picked it up yourself!  Any observations or experiences with Ethanol would be helpful!  Thank you!  David

  • EVchem

    October 28, 2019 at 1:14 pm

    @David08848 I know brenntag offers it but I think they typically sell in totes- the place I work has bought just a drum but that was before my time. If you wanted much less (pail amount) you might look around at hardware type stores

  • Fekher

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    October 28, 2019 at 3:07 pm

    @David08848 may be some glycerin , Menthol , water and preservative can make the job .

  • David08848

    October 29, 2019 at 3:05 am

    EVchem, thanks!  I didn’t think about hardware stores, I’ll check it out and keep looking!
    Fekher, I was wondering about using the glycerin that you suggested in the formula that Perry shared in place of the Propylene Glycol in that formula and I will take what you said into consideration, thanks!

  • Fekher

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    October 29, 2019 at 1:36 pm

    You are welcome @David08848

  • Aziz

    October 29, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    EVchem said:

    @David08848 I know brenntag offers it but I think they typically sell in totes- the place I work has bought just a drum but that was before my time. If you wanted much less (pail amount) you might look around at hardware type stores

    Is it safe to use alcohols from hardware type stores . I think it should be pharma grade . 

  • EVchem

    October 29, 2019 at 6:36 pm

    @Aziz normally I would agree, but the specific type of alcohol mentioned has pretty stringent definition- 40B is cleared for cosmetic use in 21 CFR 76

    I’m not an expert but I don’t think there would be much variation of this between sellers

    Personally, I think any ingredient you can prove identity of, and substantiate safety for seems permissible in US cosmetics (provided you aren’t making any non-cosmetic claims about it). 

  • David08848

    October 30, 2019 at 2:55 am

    Now I’m confused… lol … anyone else have any input to help my confusion?  Thanks, guys!

  • Aziz

    October 30, 2019 at 9:10 am

    EVchem said:

    @Aziz normally I would agree, but the specific type of alcohol mentioned has pretty stringent definition- 40B is cleared for cosmetic use in 21 CFR 76

    I’m not an expert but I don’t think there would be much variation of this between sellers

    Personally, I think any ingredient you can prove identity of, and substantiate safety for seems permissible in US cosmetics (provided you aren’t making any non-cosmetic claims about it). 

    Hardware stores sale Methylated spirit which is ten percent methanol mixing with ethanol and pyridine and some colour dye
     to make it undrinkable .
    For cosmetics use , you need denatured alcohol . 

  • EVchem

    October 30, 2019 at 1:32 pm

    Ah yeah I’m not advocating  for anything other than Denatured Alcohol SDA 40 B to be used here.  I thought that specific type could maybe be purchased from local stores  rather than looking for suppliers, especially if you don’t need to buy a lot of bulk that you might have to get a permit to transport. If they don’t sell SDA 40 B I would not recommend making a substitution without research.

  • ozgirl

    October 30, 2019 at 10:05 pm
    Sometimes this product might be called perfumers alcohol.
    ( I have never used the company above just added the link as a suggestion/information)
    Also check the regulations because you may need a permit if you are planning on using this in a product that you sell.

  • David08848

    October 31, 2019 at 2:12 am

    Aziz, EVchem and ozgirl, I appreciate your input!  Things are looking a bit more clear now.  I just have to find a good source at the right price! ozgirl, funny but I had found that link before so now I can do some “comparison shopping”!  Thanks, one and all!

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