Get Cosmetic Industry Magazines for Free
I learned lots of new things at the InCosmetics show in Milan last week but perhaps one of the most useful things I discovered was that you can get Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine FREE! I knew they had an e-newsletter sign-up but I didn’t realize you could get the entire magazine for no cost. This is a great deal and one that every cosmetic chemist should use. Here’s how you do it.
In addition, you can also get the entire GCI magazine for free. You can get this one by signing up here.
Both of these titles are put out by Allured Publishing who is also our partner with the Complete Cosmetic Chemist training program.
I know when I was at the bench my desk would get piled high with magazines and it was really tough to keep up. Getting an online version is much more useful (searchable!) and even more environmentally friendly. So if you want to stay up on the latest news and science in the cosmetic industry, go sign up.
Incidentally, see this post we previously did on other cosmetic industry magazines which lists other ones you can get for free.