Where to find Dermofeel PA (should I make my own?)
(I’ve searched this forum for an already typed out answer to this before posting, but could not find anything)
I am just beginning my formulation path, and this forum has helped me a lot in just searching for answers to questions I’ve had thus far. I’m utilizing the free IPCS masterclass as I get used to formulating and understanding the importance of each ingredient. One ingredient needed for their organic shampoo formula is Dermofeel PA (phytic acid, aqua), I understand that this is a chelating agent, and after trying to find somewhere to buy it online I am also now under the impression that it has been very hard to come by for awhile (according to google searches and forums). I am US-based, but am open to ordering out of country as well if needed. Any leads on where I can buy Dermofeel PA? And if not - can I make my own? I know it’s simply phytic acid and demineralized water, but I don’t know what % of each it would be.
Or if anyone has a Dermofeel PA substitute that could be used in a “certified organic” shampoo, I would much appreciate the information. I have seen some subs on google searches, but I don’t want to choose something ineffective and that I don’t know much about.
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