Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating General Dry Ingredients Mixers: V Blender versus Ribbon Blender or Other

  • Dry Ingredients Mixers: V Blender versus Ribbon Blender or Other

    Posted by JR_Cam on May 19, 2021 at 12:27 am

    Hi all. I’m looking to scale up my business from my lab, and as there are no local manufacturers to me, I’m looking at investing in my own equipment. Does anyone have any experience in mixing dry ingredients? My considerations so far are between a v mixer and a ribbon blender. Anything around 25-50kgs per batch would be ideal. Previously I’ve been using a planetary mixer, but still find I have to mix the parts around the bowl manually and it tends to be messy. Any insights into the blend quality, cleaning, or even another option would be appreciated. TIA!

    JR_Cam replied 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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