shampoo stability
Our coffee and licorice shampoo is very popular but I am having trouble with repeat batches. It’s difficult to get the right viscosity and maintain it. This is being caused by the licorice root extract (12% actives) - I think. It’s a perfectly ordinary anionic shampoo:
brewed coffee 71.7%
Plantaren APB 17%
EZ Pearl 3%
Sodium benzoate 0.4%
Potassium sorbate 0.4%
licorice powder 1.5%
citric acid Q/S pH = 5 (approx 1%)Root licorice contains:
glycosides called glycyrrhizin (about 7%) and glycyrrhizinic acid, triterpenoid glycosides (saponins), flavonoids(including liquiritigetol) and isoflavonoids, bitter principle (glycyrmarin), volatile oil, chalcones, coumarins, amino acids, amines (choline, betaine, asparagine), oestrogenic substances (including beta-sitosterol), glucose and sucrose (5-15% sugars), starch, tannins (trace), gums, wax.Last time, I tried adding salt, the viscosity got worse.
Added more CAPB: little effect.
I’m wondering if the benzoate/sorbate/citric is pushing it past the salt curve maximum and down the other side, OR if something in the licorice root is really messing things up. Or both? What to try?
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