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Dubai Safari

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About - Short Bio

Dubai Safari Park is a premier wildlife destination, offering visitors a unique opportunity to explore diverse ecosystems and encounter animals from around the world. With its expansive enclosures and sustainable environment, the park houses over 3,000 animals, including lions, giraffes, and rare species. Visitors can enjoy interactive experiences like safari drives, bird shows, and feeding sessions while learning about conservation efforts. The park is divided into different themed zones, such as the African Village, Asian Village, and Arabian Desert Safari, providing an immersive, educational adventure for animal lovers and families alike.


The African Village at Dubai Safari Park offers a captivating experience, showcasing the continent’s diverse wildlife and cultural heritage. Visitors can encounter animals like lions, giraffes, and zebras in naturalistic settings. The village also features traditional African architecture, performances, and crafts, providing an immersive glimpse into African culture.


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