This is a cationic emulsion.
2% BTMS 25
10% glycerin
4% petrolatum
3% mineral oil
0.05% FO
0.1% cationic guar (may or may not be used)
pH 4-4.5
Package: 500ml flip top cap bottle
1. What microorganisms are most likely to contaminate this?
2. Which preservative would be stronger for this? Specially for yeast and mold.
1.5ppm CMI MI+ 0.02% formalin or just 1% phenoxy ethanol or just 0.6% benzoyl alcohol?
A patent from L’Oreal had used only 1% phenoxy ethanol as preservative for a cationic emulsion.
Another patent had used only 0.6% benzoyl alcohol for an almost similar cationic emulsion?
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