When to add ~25% cold water in this emulsion?
In a simple LGN emulsion
1% BTMS active
3% cetearyl alcohol
When water is heated to 90°c, then BTMS is added, then melted FA is added and homogenized for 5 minutes.
adding ~25% cold water to this to cool the batch faster was reducing temperature ~15°c.
Now when should i add this 25% cold water?
A: when batch is hot(80-90°c) to reduce temperature to (65-75°c)
B: when batch is a little cold (~65°c) to reduce temperature to (~50°c)
C: below 50°c to reduce temperature to 30-35°c.
Note: I have noticed that in the batches that we have added cold water earlier, they are a bit thicker( dont have viscometer, just feel during use).
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