Volatility/Vapor pressure in the presence of heat n relation to D5. A good read?
It has come to my attention from one of my brilliant friends (might be Swiss), that I might be ‘mommy bloggering’ my emulsions, and further diminishing their stability with the timing of the inclusion of D5.
This of course is based on what I believe is the false assumption (I had) that D5 will volatilize at a much more rapid rate, when exposed to temps commonly utilized in the preparation of cosmetic emulsions.
So, I have been adding D5 at cool down, due to consuming plenty of the misinformation that proliferates the web, and furthermore, weakening my emulsions by adding my most difficult to emulsify ingredient….last.
Does someone have a link to a good read/link written in laymen’s terms…and not too many mentions of ‘Henry’s law’ and such. Maybe something from a manufacturer? I would like to fully understand the relationship between vapor (vapour from my Swiss friends) pressure, volatility, and heat (cosmetic levels).
Thank you, and look forward to some good reading material or comments.
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