Viscosity problem in emulsion
Hi all , i want explanation from experts of happened phenomen (For viscosity variation in production scale and why i got laboratory’s cream more viscous then production’s one?<div>
For formulation :
Water : Qsp
Emulsifier (combinaison of GMS ,cetearteh 20 ,cetearteh 12) : from 4.5%to 5.5%
Cetearyl alcohol :4%
EDTA 0.1%
Citric acid to ph=5
Paraffin oil : 8%
Shea butter : 1%
Sensicare c1060 : 0.6%
Parfum : 0.5%
*For production scale the cooling process need from 6 hours (or more)to reach 40 °C and the process is heating two phases separately to 75°C then add oil phase to water phase mixing by turbine in frequence of 45 hz (2700 rpm) For 15 minutes and something near to Anchor agitator with 40 rpm speed working For all process.
*Laboratory scale the cooling process need just one hour or less to reach 40°C and the process is heating two phases separately to 75°C then add oil phase to water phase mixing by with turbine balade from 600 to 1200 rpm .
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