Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Tromethamine …. typical method of use….( making a solution for use?)

  • Tromethamine …. typical method of use….( making a solution for use?)

    Posted by Graillotion on September 18, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    I have Tromethamine on order, as in my latest project…a couple of my ingredients said they conflicted with KOH.

    I have not used Tromethamine before, and selected it over TEA, in that there seems to be some new wave of hate for TEA.

    Have not received it yet….but sounds like it will be a powder. Are people typically hydrating this before use…and what percent solution seems to be the standard (if there is one)? What ingredient is typically used to create the solution…..water?


    • This discussion was modified 14 hours, 40 minutes ago by  Graillotion.
    Graillotion replied 14 hours, 45 minutes ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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