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Thanks everyone!!
Posted by OldPerry on December 29, 2014 at 6:00 pmAs the year comes to an end, I’d just like to thank everyone who has participated in the discussions here on Chemists Corner.
On this discussion forum we’ve had nearly 780 discussions this year alone. That’s amazing!!Thanks for all the new people who have posted their questions and a special thank you to all the experts who weigh in on the different subjects. If you ever need my assistance for anything in the future let me know and I’ll help however I can.I’m looking forward to growing this discussion site even more in 2015. If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see, let me know.Have a great New Year!Perry, 44TeniBeauty replied 10 years, 2 months ago 18 Members · 19 Replies -
19 Replies
Thank you Perry for your absolutely wonderful effort and making us richer with so much of knowledge and giving us a great opportunity to interact with people from all around the globe.
I am more than a year old now here on corner and I can tell you that this has been my best time to learn so much.You all have a great year too. -
thank you too, I really learn more and more via this website…and I thanks every body who answer questions patiently..and apologize if I bother some one…
Thank you Perry for all your hard work running this Discussion Forum - it’s an invaluable resource to many.
Looking forward to plenty of interesting discussions in 2015. -
Thank YOU so much, Perry, for building this wonderful community and for being such an inspiration!
Wishing you all and your loved ones a great 2015! (*) -
Thank you Perry for this amazing forum! Happy holidays!
The forum provides a LOT of useful information. Thanks everyone.
Salute Perry for this amazing site.. I’m not good in English, sometimes its hard to find words to share it here but trying My best to communicate with others. I am happy to share and learn from everyone… Thanks Perry… Thanks everyone
Congratulations to the creator and the members of the forum.
Best wishes to all. -
Thank you Perry, for creating this forum - so simple to use, too.
Thanks to all the experts who come around constantly to help the rest of us.Happy New Year - 2015!! -
Thanks to everyone responsible for this site and those spending time answering my & other peoples’ questions (from which I also learn).
Thanks you Perry for providing a great place for us all to ask and answer questions, for us all to keep learning from each other.
Happy & Healthy New Year To ALL !!!
Thanks Perry, I think I will hang here this year too
Happy new year everybody! -
Oh we all are going to hang here till @Perry decides to hang this site
This is an excellent forum! I have learned of ingredients from other board members that I would most likely not have found on my own that I have subsequently incorporated into my formulations. Invaluable to share information and experience with others in the field.
I have a suggestion, plz when you are writing use simple words, so it fully will be undrestandable for non native english members
only just joined , but seems a very useful and supportive forum, looking forward to joining in over the coming year.
Thanks for a great forum! Looking forward to lots of interesting discussions in 2015!
@nasrins (and everyone else) - I know I have a tendency to use complicated/technical English. If anyone doesn’t understand, please ask me and I will explain in simpler terms.
Thank you for this absolutely wonderful forum Perry, and thanks also to everyone - especially all the experts in the house.
Happy New Year everyone; wish us all a prosperous and exciting 2015
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