There are some UV campers out there but if you really wanna test the Sun Stability of your Product in your Packaging you need a full wavelength of sunlight. I did several UV Champer Testings and they are just a hint if your Product is problematic or not but they will not show 60 % of the problems that can occur in real sunlight over a longer time. Cosmetic Products contain a lot of different Ingreadienst and every one of them can respond to different types of wavelengths.
You can get a Sun Light imitating light that will give you a very broad spectrum if you want to be more exact about the amount and time your product is exposed to the light. I am not sure if all the UV will be in then
in Our lab test it is normally just behind a window for 3 to 6 months depending on the season we start the test. Autem and Winter longer than spring and summer due to less direct sun in winter.