Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Advanced Questions Spirulina, pH, colour maintenance and more!

  • Spirulina, pH, colour maintenance and more!

    Posted by MarinaReneia on December 14, 2022 at 2:40 am

    Hey folks, 

    Happy holiday, hope you all doing good!
    Anyhow, I’m trying to formulate a cream with blue spirulina, the problem is:
    1. After 2 weeks the colour it just turning to a grey - from a nice blue   
    2. The supplier told me to keep the blue spirulina “active” I should use salt 
    3. Im not sure at what pH the spirulina is still “active” - my product is at pH5 to 5.5 - I’m trying to see what the best.
    4. The supplier said to use a chelating agents, they didn’t said with one though
    5. I know that the packaging is plaining a big role so I’m planing to put my cream in a dark bottle.
    I need your advice on how to keep the nice blue colour for up to 6m 
    I really appreciate your input 
    Thank you,

    Zara replied 2 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • talfoa

    December 18, 2022 at 11:36 am

    Ciao Marina!

    I hope you will read this post because I fought with this topic for a long time!

    Spirulina is very strong antioxidant…so I thought to add some antioxidant to prevent its oxidation… but it was not possible because the main problem is the thermal stability. I red a lot of paper where it was demonstrated that spirulina is temperature sensitive. Indeed, when you start the stability test…even a simple water solution of spiruline will lost color.

    In my case I had to gave up with Blue spiruline…

  • Herbnerd

    December 18, 2022 at 4:09 pm

    Most natural colours are highly pH sensitive. Chlorophyll for example, is only stable in alkali media, it starts going yellow to clear once the media is acidic. 
    Whilst the blue spirulina is based on phycocyanins, I understand that this too is affected by pH as well as light and chemical degradation.

    I tried this in a silicon dioxide gel toothpaste - the colour disappeared during manufacturing.

  • MarinaReneia

    December 19, 2022 at 8:42 am

    Hey folks,

    Thank you so much for your reply’s, I actually beloved nobody will replay to my questions. 
    So to understand besides that  is difficult to keep the colour or the pH balance is just a ingredient that is extremely difficult to work with.
    So that means that a lot of skincare products that are formulated with siprulina they may add some extra colour inside there, so they can say that the spirulina is still active? and keep that nice blue or green colour?
    I still haven’t cracked on how to keep the spirulina for more then 1 month blue/green. 
    The pH, the temperature and the stability is still something that one day I will crack it, I will not give up ask is a very nice ingredient to use.

    Happy holiday folks and thank you again!

  • Zara

    February 7, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    Hi, I’ve made a clarifying shampoo more than 6 month ago with the PH of 7.5 and used the blue spirulina to give it a cool color. I think the color has faded about 30-40% by now. Google says 🙂 spirulina is an alkaline and the optimum PH for it is between 8-11.

    I also were using green spirulina in hair mask with the PH of 6 and the color would fade away after 2 weeks. definitely high PH is the best to preserve the color.

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