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Zn and suppose Se can complex with EDTA. As ketchito said, my comments were based on experience with ZPT. I’ve used EDTA with ZnO and SeS containing products with no loss of relevant efficacy.
Hello. I have similar problem with Sepinov EMT 10, but my pH is 4.5, and I cant raise it. When I tried, viscosity decreased drastically.
My formulation is:
Sepinov EMT10 0,7
MCT 3,0
Dimethicone 4,0
Lipocire A SG 4,0
Glycerol 6,0
Urea 3,0
Allantoin 0,5
Aquaxyl 3,0
Geogard 221 0,8
Tocopheryl acetate 0,5
Water ad 100,0
pH is 4,5 (with or without allantoin and urea-I added them later because I wanted to see will pH raise when I add them). When I added 1 drop 30% NaOH pH went to 6,8..and viscosity decreased. I ordered L-arginine, so I’ll try with it. But until L arginin come, I’d like to exchange my thoughts with someone who has experience with Sepinov EMT.
Question: seppic claims that Sepinov EMT is preneutralized polymer. I dont have pH problems with their other polymer - Sepimax Zen, pH is always around 5,2. Why Sepinov EMT gives so low pH, and is there in my formulation any ingredient that maybe lowers pH?
I saw that some companies have products with Sepinov EMT, and they use citric acid, so I dont know where is my mistake.
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