Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating General Science Secrets of wrinkles - knowing what to fix helps

  • Secrets of wrinkles - knowing what to fix helps

    Posted by DeepTitan on September 25, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Appreciate brutal critique/correction here: This is for fun learning for me everyone, with the help of you experts here.  

    At a conceptual level, our skin is comprised of just cells (many type of cells - melanocytes, collagen, elastin etc but at end of day they are just a “cell”).  When we are young, we have in our favor:
    a) cells division process, where cells divide till they hit their hayflick limit,
    b) upon exhausting that potential, cell dies/apoptosis, and replaces itself with tissue resident stem cell. 
    However with age, we develop dysfunctional processes.  Stem cells that have inbuilt processes to make them last forever, do not last forever, and start getting depleted.  

    What is a wrinkle: 
    hollow spaces, where cells have gotten permanently lost, and new cells did not replace.  In other words, indicative of tissue resident stem cell exhaustion signs. 

    What is loose skin:
    “cells” (whatever type) that have exceeded their division capacity or malfunctioned, so now have lost their repair capacity.  Now they are sitting ducks for loosing their integrity, size, shape, strength.  If there were stem cells in vicinity, they will get replaced by quality check processes, but if they are exhausted, so now skin sag will just increase and increase. 

    Strategies (high-yield): 
    a) Retinoic acid: We know, it is good for cell differentiation i.e. if there is stem cell(s) in vicinity, retinoic will fill the wrinkle, with new cell(s).  But if there is no stem cell in vicinity then, bad luck?  

    b) Research can be deceiving.  Keeping an open mind is best.  Plant stem cells can be the magical trick?  Our DNA structure is very similar.  However it is not stuff you can buy as DNA is highly sensitive to in-activate.   How to easily  extract plant stem cells?

    c) I am intrigued by chemist science, since it is related to the most fundamental of sciences - chemistry, what is the most updated/experimental perspective on skin rejuvenation.

    MarkBroussard replied 2 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • ggpetrov

    September 26, 2022 at 6:57 pm

    Just a correction, the collagen and the elastin aren’t cells, they are structural proteins.

  • ketchito

    September 27, 2022 at 12:14 pm

    Only one? What about the miss to mention collagen crosslinking (glycation), to start with? ????

  • Rockstargirl

    September 27, 2022 at 2:46 pm

    also, I’ve almost been in physical fights over plant stem cells ????

  • MarkBroussard

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    September 27, 2022 at 3:26 pm


    You might want to do some in-depth research on Collagen and Elastin formation and MMP’s.

    Plant Stem Cells … in cosmetics the plant stem cells are actually biological factories for the manufacture of high purity plant extracts.  When you purchase a plant stem cell extract, you are actually buying just the extract, not plant stem cells.  It’s a clever sleight of hand on the marketing language.

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