Scaremongering again
I am formulating a shampoo and use GlucamateVLT (PEG 120 Methyl Glucose Trioleate) as thickener which easily gives a wonderful sense of mildness and professional feel to the product. But I saw a big company that state on their shampoo labels “PEG free”. Then i found all these concerns about PEGs that contaminated with dangerous impurities like 1-4 Dioxane or Ethylene Oxide. Also i found this from FDA: http://www.fda.gov/Cosmetics/ProductsIngredients/PotentialContaminants/ucm101566.htm
I feel that scaremongering without any evidence is like terrorism. How can they do that? And they can affect even big companies?!! O.k. it is good to be concerned about potential risks of products we use every day, but first we must seek for evidences about these risks and then speak publicly.
So I received a sample of Glucamate CCO thickener which is PEG free. But this is more expensive, you must use much more to thickens (or to add salt with it) and have instability issue at a freeze-thaw test. The sense of the shampoo is nice but not so perfect as VLT. But I’ll give to it one more try.
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