Home Cosmetic Science Talk Formulating Saccharide Isomerate

  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    November 6, 2019 at 6:45 pm

    Just as I guessed! Yes, I am familiar with that part (telomere, senescence, apoptosis) of genetics. However I could not dig Google Scholar for anything about Tretinoin shortening telomere or Hayflick limit correlates to the use of Tretinoin.

    Yes, I am focusing on topical one. Since internal route nearly almost has much more pronounced effect to the body than things on skin. Systemic, I would say.

    According to what I found so far, the limit does not apply to the skin because the outer skin is already meant to be broken down, similar to Urea and acids only deals with dead part of the skin and not touch the live one. The logic is we are helping the skin to shed dead skin faster. This may be a false equivalence because Tretinoin is a different type of creature which truly messes with genetic information whereas Urea does not mess with genes.

    Maybe Tretinoin is another thing that science cannot answer properly. Ugh!

  • Pharma

    November 6, 2019 at 8:52 pm

    Fortunately, skin penetration is piss poor for tretinoids! But they all rely on living cells because their effect is mediated via gene expression. Faster shedding is due to faster cell differentiation/maturation = (hypothetically) faster cell life = earlier death (cell cultures ‘getting old’ is something observed easily in in vitro cell culture treated with ‘differentiation enhancers’). This is just a 1+1=2 logic since it nowhere says that it speeds up cell division. It’s also the accelerated differentiation of cells which causes teratogenic effects. Differentiation is like job specialisation including school/apprenticeship: If your kids take magic drug X to become an expert in field this or that earlier doesn’t necessarily mean that they live less long or that population will go extinct earlier, it just means that you can save tuition.

  • helenhelen

    November 6, 2019 at 9:05 pm

    @Pharma A while ago I read the same thing about used up telomers but about panthenol in skincare. I wasn’t sure whether to be worried or not about using panthenol as an ingredient in skincare products…

  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    November 7, 2019 at 7:14 am

    Unbelievable! Panthenol too???? :s

    I speak from personal experience, after treating my skin with Tretinoin, I observed that it acts like any acids. Acids is said to stimulate ‘something’. I think anything that irritates the skin will stimulate collagen production. One well known thing is Derma Rolling, its predecessor (I forgot its name) is using a fat needle and poke in and out (ewww) destroying the bottom of the skin. Then, third and forth generations are lasers. Different methods but the goal is exactly the same, that is to cause some good old irritation and destruction.

    It is weird that we do not often, maybe none, hear about the scares of accelerated cell differentiation and too much irritation. I assume, they (the negative and positive effects of Tretinoin) are pretty safe long term. I discount EWG and its cronies of course! LOL

    However, CosIng has warning about Tretinoin (retinoic acid and its salts). Oddly no long-winded essay about the dangers like it has for DMDM Hydantoin! And it says “Functions : Not reported”!

    Must be a joke. The world has been using known substance for known purposes for more than 40 years and acquired known results, but CosIng has no information on it.

  • raiyana

    November 7, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    @Cst4Ms4Tmps4 i dont coincidentally have good genes. In fact, i dont have good skin at all. I’ve been using prescription tretinoin for almost two years at least 3 times a week if not every night. I’ve had my own share of bad skin experience and tretinoin is the only thing that works for me and i am not ready to stop using it. I used to take accutane a couple of years back for a few months before i started tretinoin, and i want to have kids soon, hence my question about isotretinoin in the system for 5 years…..

  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    November 7, 2019 at 3:09 pm

    I see….I would then conclude that you were “joking”. LOL. You were perhaps shockingly joke or jokingly shocked as you want to have kids soon. Understandable.

    Generally it is about 1 to few months of not getting pregnant after your last capsule. But according to @Pharma the effect is very long lasting. My personal experience (and others) we do not empirically measure the time but we know that the ‘beauty’ effect does last pretty long, some reported 1 year and more than 1 year. There are also some people reported to be acne-free for the rest of the life only after one treatment (of course with very high dosage), but does this mean the effect is permanent in specific individual or due to the high dosage…I don’t truly know. 

    I do not know about the half life calculation. The staying power of Isotretinoin could be dose dependent. Seems like that. The after effect I experienced was between 6 and 12 months. I took 40mg, same dosage from start to finish (no change in dosage), the treatment lasted for 3 months.

  • raiyana

    November 7, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    i didnt find anything funny in anyone’s comments here.. I was in fact shocked to know how long isotretinoin stays in the body because when i was prescribed with it, my derm only asked me two things. “are you pregnant? are you breastfeeding?” at that point i was not.. and now i think my consultation was too brief. it was too easy for me to get my hands on these prescriptions. i think my derm should have also asked “any plans to get pregnant in the near future?”….

  • raiyana

    November 7, 2019 at 4:39 pm

    @Cst4Ms4Tmps4 thank you, that is good info for me.

  • Pharma

    November 7, 2019 at 7:12 pm

    raiyana said:

    … “are you pregnant? are you breastfeeding?”….

    Unfortunately, that’s about common practice ;( . I think that at least in Europe and USA, two negative pregnancy tests before the first prescription and double-contraception (or no sex but what are the chances that a 15 year single today might not be single in 1 year) plus only treatments for 30 days (for women) with a pregnancy test every subsequent month/package are mandatory. But real life out there tells a completely different story.
    Weird enough, I can’t find that warning we’ve got nor can I find that alleged retrospect study… I’m currently on a few days vacation so I’ll have to check next week at the pharmacy if I can find either the mail or the letter somewhere there. Really bugs me cause it WAS there (am I hallucinating or what?)!
  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    November 8, 2019 at 1:47 pm

    You are most welcome! Sharing is caring!
    I am known to put my nose in people’s live and impose my ‘religion’ on others.

    Beauty and fitness industries are full of rubbish. Instagram Gurus are the latest thing. Lots of dangerous information, supports, and guides. But it is the Internet, it must be right and never wrong.

    Again, I do not know where you live, in where I live those ‘doctors’ be it government or private ones are not telling the truth. They tell half truth to speed things up and to avoid patients asking too many questions.

    On the government side, this might be also the reason why patients have to be either end up in no-cure or serious condition only then doctors suddenly say they found this and found that and need to take action now. The only good thing is they are extremely strict at giving out medical leave slip and drugs.

    On the private side, they are like car mechanics, they tell you that you need to fix things that do not need to be fixed. They LOVE prescribing antibiotics for every G*d d*mned thang! Understandably the private sector is not funded by taxpayers so they need to get money by hook or by crook. Sometimes also not addressing the actual root cause and patients can end up like how they are/will be treated by government doctors.

  • Dr Catherine Pratt

    November 14, 2019 at 1:38 pm
    #pharma are you saying that Tretenoin is a ‘live fast and dye young drug’ giving you not only amazing skin but the feeling of an ephadrine compound with high arousal?? I need some right now!!! LOL
    Sometimes, just sometimes acne can go away on its own if you leave your face alone and go swimming in the sea. We touch are faces hundreds of times a day and no cosmetic regime is going to help the crap that we are actually doing to our own skin every few minutes a day!! Hope this makes sense!
  • Cst4Ms4Tmps4

    November 15, 2019 at 12:01 pm

    Oh my days!  😮

    In my days people used to sunbathe because it eliminates acne, and so it did! It really works by sun burning the skin and peel. There is no need for TCA peel. There is absolutely no repercussion. Skin cancer is fake.

    High salt level in sea water never irritates the already irritated and inflamed skin. The best is make a paste of Himalayan salt, it emits negative ions good for one’s overall well being and cures cancer.

    Above all, the sun and sea are natural and free!

    I am a spoilt child, you see. I unconsciously dig and touch my face especially when I am nervous as if OCD. But Tretinoin cream, basic personal hygiene, and simple technical know-how almost always zap my acne and exterminate inflammation with Hydrocortisone or Diclofenac or both emulsion gel, if I feel jolly I may swallow Diclofenac Potassium or Dexamethasone or both. Argh! I ought to leave my face alone and my skin will miraculously and naturally become impeccable!

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