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powder to cream
Posted by lopamudra on December 30, 2015 at 7:06 amcan any one help me out in formulating a powder that turns into cream on rubbing with hand
Bobzchemist replied 9 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Remember most of us on the Forum do this for a living.
For the “Rules for Requesting Formulation Advice/Help” please read THIS thread.
To help find a Consultant read THIS thread.
In summary (unless you hire a consultant), the burden of research lies with you and this forum is here to assist in refining/improving the prototype. Full Formulations should not be requested.
Mark, I think that you’ve hit upon the perfect answer to questions of this type.
Thanks. I also share some of your frustrations. Personally when I first got into Cosmetic Science I found that getting a specific answer to such a broad question was detrimental. For me at least, when I research in these areas I learn far more than what I initially was searching for.
I generally spend at a minimum 50% of my time doing research prior to making the first prototype of a new formulation and 50% working on the formulation. And, in doing the research I invariably learn something new or find new ingredients that I did not have previous knowledge of that improve the final formulation. And, then after the first prototype, there is invariably more research to be done.A broad question such as the one presented … I think the OP does not have an appreciation of just how many hours of research are required to even begin to answer the question they posted … if it can be done at all.Mark’s first post is the perfect answer that should be cut-and-pasted whenever a question like this appears on the forum. -
sori guys if my question has violated some of ur rules but yah i definitely have made some initial prototypes and the doubts i have are numereous and i was confused how to start with,,,,will keep this in mind d next time:(
better i reframe my question….as i badly need a help for this….
For a starting point, try searching for “dry water” (Yes, it’s a real thing)
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