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Panthenol in pH 4 cleanser - any point?
Posted by Zink on December 14, 2014 at 6:10 pmThe title says it all, any point to use panthenol in a facial cleanser that’s pH 4?
OldPerry replied 10 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
The biggest selling point of panthenol is its humectant properties and how over time they are able to draw moisture to the upper layers of the skin.
A cleanser would not stay on the skin for long enough to have this effect. It would probably be Hard to keep it in the functioning range of 2-5% in a cleanser.
Check the other post I replied to and this:
And this:
“ In skin washed with SLES, significant reduction of TEWL was evident two hours after application of formulations loaded with panthenol when compared with control and vehicle. It is concluded that skin integrity is maintained by the improved protective effect of 1.0% panthenol added to the formulation.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21982351/?i=4&from=panthenol skin
It was applied after the wash given that it is known to strip the skin.
They strip the skin and then apply the active.
You can check their methods.
No problem zinc
I really hope you find cleanser changing ingredient.
It is pretty impressive what a good cleanser alone combined with ocm can do to change a skin type.
The way some cleansers change the skin irritation is amazing.
If you come up with a way to sell the whole double package you would get many many many happy and loyal costumers to your product.
I haven’t even found something like that in the Asian markets.
How that niche wasnt taken I don’t know.
Here’s a point that I don’t try to make nearly often enough - “active”/skin-benefit ingredients in cleansers (skin care/hair care), with very few exceptions, can NOT possibly do anything to help the skin. We do our customers a disservice when we suggest otherwise.
@bobz: clap clap clap clap!
the biology side agrees so much with that statement. But hey, who can publish negative results?
Nobody unfortunately.
Cleansers should remove dirt and sebum. That is pretty much it.
I don’t know if you would call it an “active” but I find that certain things can usefully give benefits in a cleanser: for instance Lamesoft PO-65 acts as a refattener. Including it in my body wash design gave a nice skin effect.
@Belassi I agree on that a body wash has to be formulated in a way that it leaves a good skin feeling, but I think what is meant here is if panthenol has a (deeper) moisturizing effect in a rinse-off product.(which I find hard to believe)
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