Oat is the secret ingredient to my conditioner bar
The female chemist that recommended adding oat to the conditioner bar was right. When I experimented with only anhydrous ingredients, leaving out anything water soluble, the conditioner was trash. So I begin slowly adding the old ingredients back: keratin, veg glycerine, etc, leaving out oat since its expensive. The bar worked much better and made my hair shiny. But the formula with the oat (I used .5%) not only felt silkier but was easier to use. I’m not sure why it made such a big difference. In my first anhydrous 4 ingredient conditioner bar I used only 12% lipids which I suspect was why it had little slip despite 38% btms. I’ve now added 20% and increased the btms 25 to 40%. It doesn’t weigh hair down like I thought it might. I want to experiment with a higher concentration of butters and oils for an extra deep conditioning bar but wanted to share my experiments for other beginners.
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