Needing some advice on mixing my liquid lipstick formulation.
my name is Brittany. I’m 24 and from Ontario, Canada. For the past 5 months I’ve been doing a lot of research into formulating a matte liquid lipstick. I know it’s a trend right now and you all must be so sick of seeing and answering these posts! I’m aware of how difficult it is to formulate a liquid lipstick. I just had a couple of questions I hope someone would be able to give me some advice. Please keep in mind that I’m inexperienced and not super educated on the matter so if you could dumb it down for me I’d be super appreciative!
Ive read every post on this forum related to liquid lipsticks and learned as much as I could from that. I also read all the posts about posting ettiquette, but I apologize if I over step or offend! I understand that this is a free site and that the advice given from qualified individuals is given purely from the kindness of your hearts and I deeply appreciate any help that’s given. I would hire I cosmetic chemist in a heartbeat if I could afford to do so. The only reason I’m attempting this on my own is because I cannot.
I found this article awhile back and I plan on trying to replicate this formula. http://luisafanzani.com/how-to-make-a-liquid-lipstick/
Isododecane 54.6%Trimethylsiloxysilicate 17%Dimethicone 15%Bentone Gel 5%Synthetic Fluorphlogopite 3%Synthetic Beeswax 2%Fumed Silica 2.5%Tocopheryl Acetate 0.2%Caprylyl Glycol ,Hexylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol 0.2%All the ingredients are from http://www.tkbtrading.com. I’m substituting Bentone gel for “Gel maker” from TKB https://tkbtrading.com/products/tkbs-gelmaker-cc-1 because I’m unable to find Bentone gel), Luisa suggested substituting for Hectorite Gel from http://www.makingcosmetics.com but the shipping is too expensive to order from. Someone on TKB mentioned this “gel maker” is a substitute for Hectorite gel. I asked Luisa Fanzani (who wrote the article) about the synthetic fluorphlogopite as I’m unable to find it alone, only as an ingredient in shimmery micas and shades. She said it wasn’t 100% necessary and could be left out. (Which ingredient should I increase the percentage of to make up for this?)
Issue #1: Dimethicone. When ordering dimethicone, I’m given the option of different viscosities. In the article it doesn’t mention anything about which viscosity should be used. Here is a link to what I’m talking about. https://tkbtrading.com/search?type=article%2Cpage%2Cproduct&q=Dimethicone*
theres dimethicone 1.5, 100 or 350. Which would you speculate would be most appropriate for my project? I ordered 100.Issue #2: I do not have any machinery or a high shear mixer. I plan on using an electric hand held whisker/milk frother. Luisa has said going this route I would be better off using predispersed pigments because when I add my pigments she suspects they would be grainy. All the predispered pigments I found were dispersed in castor oil. Do you think castor oil will negatively affect my formula? Is there another way to disperse my own pigments? And she mentions in the instructions to add the fumed silica using a high shear mixer as well. Would my handheld frother suffice?
Issue #3: The instructions included in this article are a little vague. When I’ve read other mixing procedures and other questions on this forum I feel like the procedure was a lot more sophisticated (Certain temperatures during melting and mixing). In her procedure, she instructs you to add the synthetic wax to a beaker of the other ingredients and melt it. Am I correct to assume the entire mixture would be heated up to melt the wax opposed to the wax first being melted and then added to the mixture? I just want to make sure I won’t damage any of the other ingredients by heating them. Is there a suggested tempterature to heat this mixture up to? Or should I just heat it up hot enough to melt the wax?
again, thanks so much for any suggestions. All of my supplies will be arriving within a week and I will keep you updated on what does and doesn’t work. I just want educated opinions so I waste as little product as possible.
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