    June 14, 2018 at 5:27 pm

    I don’t trust the paddles, and if im not mistaken the head spins around the bowl. I don’t think you will mix anything that’s not thick and gummy, and even if you can it will introduce too much air. And for shampoos good luck with the foam!.

  • belassi

    June 14, 2018 at 5:44 pm

    Thanks! Appreciated!

  • Gunther

    June 15, 2018 at 1:15 pm

    Yeah, they spin too fast = foam
    and won’t touch the vessel edges = unmixed spots

    I once saw a small company in Central America (Latin America)
    that made and sold their own mixers
    they rotated really slow (IDK if their motors spin that slow by themselves, or if they have reducing gears in the housing)
    with some holders for flexible paddles that slightly rubbed the vessel edges.

    They made all that themselves out of stainless steel, and the paddle edges were replaceable and probably made out of silicone. 
    I wonder if they designed it themselves or if it was a copy of an existing design.

    I was totally astonished by it.
    I wonder if they’re still in business (that was ages ago)
    Anyhow, it shouldn’t be hard for a metal working shop to replicate.
    Slow rotation is the key.

    The spinner was something roughly similar to this:

    only with bolted soft paddle edges, and the rods were longer, to match the vessel size.

  • belassi

    June 15, 2018 at 3:30 pm

    I can actually get SS containers fabbed locally. I went to a place yesterday and they told me they can fab any grade of ss including surgical. Heaven only knows what surgical ss would cost though - I am not sure I want to ask!

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