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  • Misceallenous questions

    Posted by Ghita37 on January 12, 2023 at 6:24 pm

    Hi everyone.
    I read countless articles that oil binds water and seals it in the skin/I apply my face moisturizer on damp skin then i put oil to seal that water but after two hours my skin just get dry.So is there a scientific proven evidence that oil really binds water.I have dry skin and so applying oil on top of my moisturizer doesnt do much to me after few hours.
    Can you please advice.


    Ghita37 replied 2 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • OldPerry

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    January 12, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    No, oils do not bind water or generally seal in your skin. Occlusive agents like petrolatum can help block water from escaping from your skin and thus keeping it moisturized. If you want a product that moisturizes your skin, use something with petrolatum in it. Oils do not create a film that significantly blocks moisture loss. That’s why your skin is dry hours later.

  • Graillotion

    January 12, 2023 at 7:37 pm

    As Perry said…Oil and water don’t mix.  Study the word ’emulsion’, and you’ll begin to understand the concept.  When the Mommy blogger sites discuss oil as holding in moisture…they mean it has mild occlusive properties, but not nearly as effective as something like Perry mentioned….Petrolatum, which is king.  You can create moderate levels of occlusiveness with other ingredients…it just takes far more skill and expense.
    If you ask the people that worship oils….if they are honest…they will tell you…. You can grease your skin with Shea butter…and still feel dry underneath…they just can’t grasp reality of a proper construction of a moisturizing product.  Study the fundamentals of a moisturizer…and what it is.  Of course you will discover that an occlusive member is required for any kind of duration.

    Good Luck.

    You might consider this….before you move on:

    Master of Science in Cosmetic Science | UC Online

  • Ghita37

    January 12, 2023 at 9:10 pm

    Hello Perry thanks a lot for your reply. Again articles can be so misleading whereby you read incorrect information/I always thought that oils are occlusive because this is what articles say. 
    I have dry skin but using Petrolatum like vaseline makes my skin shiny and i dont like that effect.

    @Graillotion THANKS a lot dear for your reply/ I read a lot about emulsions and even about the latest emulsion technologies and read about W/O and O/W emultions./Yes emulsion means when you mix two immiscible subtances like oil and vinegar for instance or oil and water so you need a third party to bring them trogether/For instance mayonaise is an emulsifier. 
    Indeed i sometimes put shea butter on my face and the thing is that on the cheeks it feels moisturised but on the chin it gets dry.i have dry skin overall/ Shall i use everynight before sleep vaseline on my face after cleansing? It just feel weird to apply vaseline;; lol

  • GeorgeBenson

    January 12, 2023 at 10:12 pm

    Often times for me a simple mix of water and glycerin before bed can moisturize my face better than anything. if you have an aloe vera plant sitting around somewhere maybe squeeze some gel outta that and put it on your face too. Sometimes simple and natural is best….

  • Graillotion

    January 12, 2023 at 10:19 pm

    Ghita37 said:

    Hello Perry thanks a lot for your reply. Again articles can be so misleading whereby you read incorrect information/I always thought that oils are occlusive because this is what articles say. 
    I have dry skin but using Petrolatum like vaseline makes my skin shiny and i dont like that effect.

    @Graillotion THANKS a lot dear for your reply/ I read a lot about emulsions and even about the latest emulsion technologies and read about W/O and O/W emultions./Yes emulsion means when you mix two immiscible subtances like oil and vinegar for instance or oil and water so you need a third party to bring them trogether/For instance mayonaise is an emulsifier. 
    Indeed i sometimes put shea butter on my face and the thing is that on the cheeks it feels moisturised but on the chin it gets dry.i have dry skin overall/ Shall i use everynight before sleep vaseline on my face after cleansing? It just feel weird to apply vaseline;; lol

    What I think Perry would recommend…is not a 100% pure petrolatum regiment….(albeit it would not hurt)… But using it as a component (cornerstone) of a moisturizing product.

  • Ghita37

    January 12, 2023 at 10:36 pm

    Hello @GeorgeBenson thanks a lot for your help.Alas aloe vera doesnt work on my face, in fact it makes it even drier and i do have aloe vera in my garden 100% organic but it doesnt suit my skin. 

  • Ghita37

    January 12, 2023 at 10:37 pm

    @Graillotion thanks dear/Can i use pure vaseline on my face? 

  • Graillotion

    January 12, 2023 at 10:39 pm

    Ghita37 said:

    @Graillotion thanks dear/Can i use pure vaseline on my face? 

    Yes….but I personally…would not enjoy that….and your pillow might not either.  :D

  • Ghita37

    January 12, 2023 at 10:48 pm

    I know and i do tend to burry my face on the pillow when i sleep so its a recipe for a hot mess! :smiley:

  • Paprik

    January 13, 2023 at 12:32 am

    @Ghita37, check out “Slugging” :) 

  • SandalwoodBreeze

    January 13, 2023 at 12:46 am

    Instead of using heavy oils, you’ll likely be much better off using a cream that is high in humectants like Urea, Sorbitol, Trehalose, Glycerin, Propanediol, Ammonium Lactate, Hyaluronic Acid (and one I very much dislike but might help if your skin is really dry, panthenol)

  • MarkBroussard

    Professional Chemist / Formulator
    January 13, 2023 at 12:51 am

    Slugging … now that’s nasty.

  • Paprik

    January 13, 2023 at 1:02 am

    @MarkBroussard :D Hehe :D .. I only told her to check it out! :D That’s basically putting PJ on the face. Nothing for me tho :D 

  • Ghita37

    January 13, 2023 at 9:45 am

    @Paprik though my skin is dry putting petroleum jelly will make it shiny and i personally dont like that effect and also i feel the PJ will remain on the surface of the skin for many hours which i dont find comfortable. :(

  • Ghita37

    January 13, 2023 at 9:50 am

    @CedarWind108 thanks for your recommendation. I always thought that i could find an “active”/”functional” ingredient that would help me wiht my dry skin but so far nothing. I even tried a HA face cream and didint feel all the hype!!!maybe the concentration of HA was low.Also i read that for HA to be efficient we need to mix it with Polyglumatic acid which holds water up to 4 times more than HA.  
    Has anyone ever bought a product with PA?

  • Ghita37

    January 14, 2023 at 5:14 pm

    Hello everyone.
    Are  essential oils to be avoided in the formulation of skincare products? I see lots of facial cleansers with essential oils and always wondered if this is permissible to do from a standpoint of a consumer? I know they can be bad for people with sensitive skin? For instance can carott seed essential oil, lavender; frankincense; sandalwood oil be used for dry skin? 
    Also can tea tree oil be used in an oil cleanser as it has cleansing properties?

  • Graillotion

    January 14, 2023 at 8:44 pm

    At the allowable rate…most if not all…will have minimal, if not any effect.  The biggest issue…is probably the potential allergens that you bring to a product…by introducing 150 new chemicals to a product.  (On average….the EO’s will bring about 150 chemicals…in their chemical make-up.)

    Most people fail to realize that EO’s are a MASSIVE CHEMICAL SOUP!  

    Just take a look at a quickie example….and ask yourself….are you familiar with all these chemicals you want to introduce?  How many are allergens?  Are some of them even unsafe?

    GC_Lavender(Bulgaria)EssentialOil.pdf (newdirectionsaromatics.com)

    Don’t get me wrong…you can use them for fragrance and marketing….the mommy bloggers will eat them up with a spoon.  :D  Just be aware of the legitimate drawbacks.  Some savvy marketers are now using an ‘EO Free’ badge, and am thinking of using it myself.  (I think the age of ignorance is winding down….or is it…. A sucker is born every minute?  I get confused.)

  • Ghita37

    January 14, 2023 at 9:34 pm

    @Graillotion Your tone of voice cracked me up!!! I dont intend to use EO on my products at all as i want no one to complain that my product caused allergy to them.Oh thats a great idea you gave here; i didnt know we could have a EO Free badge? How do you apply for the badge and how much does it cost? 

  • Graillotion

    January 14, 2023 at 9:44 pm

    Ghita37 said:

    @Graillotion Your tone of voice cracked me up!!! I dont intend to use EO on my products at all as i want no one to complain that my product caused allergy to them.Oh thats a great idea you gave here; i didnt know we could have a EO Free badge? How do you apply for the badge and how much does it cost? 

    That is marketing jargon…. You just print it on your label/ write it in your story.  Give yourself…as many badges…as you have room.  :D  

  • Ghita37

    January 15, 2023 at 9:02 pm

    What?? @Graillotion nah i cant misrepresent people by telling people things that are not true!! I thought it was like a certification like for the Halal certification which we pay for or Cosmos certification. cus fr these you cant just print lol.. 

  • Ghita37

    January 15, 2023 at 9:04 pm

    @Graillotion  @Paprik  @Perry By the way today is day 2 of me slugging and im loving PJ so far. My cheeks feel less dry.Thanks a lot guys for the suggestion. By the way do guys also have some suggestions for dark circles. Maybe some homemade remedy for that? :smiley:

  • Graillotion

    January 15, 2023 at 9:36 pm

    Ghita37 said:

    What?? @Graillotion nah i cant misrepresent people by telling people things that are not true!! I thought it was like a certification like for the Halal certification which we pay for or Cosmos certification. cus fr these you cant just print lol.. 

    Huh?  If your product has no EO’s….then it is ‘EO FREE’ …and you are at liberty to say so!  You do not need permission…from any one.

  • Ghita37

    January 16, 2023 at 11:30 am

    @Graillotion i didnt know.But the same cant be said if the product is organic; we need certification to prove it right? We cant just print a label and stick it on the bottle? lol

  • Paprik

    January 16, 2023 at 5:31 pm

    Correct .. Organic “stamp” has some specific requirements. 

    But as @Graillotion said, if you do not put the “ingredient” in, you can “claim” it.
    Such as Paraben free, Sulfates free, EO free … [However I believe in EU some claims are banned as it may suggest that the ingredient is bad - such as parabens].

  • Ghita37

    January 16, 2023 at 7:02 pm

    Im using vaseline every night now since you guys recommended it but i was searching for some scientific evidence as to whether PJ is safe for the face.I once to person working in a lab doing microbilogical testing and other testing and they said PJ has been tested and it is safe for the face. Does anyone have any information in this regard? 

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